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A FREE Writing Contest With Real Cash Prizes!

We are currently accepting entries for this contest!

This creative writing contest is open to writers of all ages and abilities anywhere in the world! At the end of the contest, three CASH prizes will be awarded.

1st Prize = $150.00
2nd Prize = $50.00
3rd Prize = $25.00

What makes this contest different?

We WILL award the cash prizes we advertise. Many writing contests lack legitimacy or substance. Some are outright fake, while others don't award the prizes they advertise. Here are a few warning signs to look for in a writing contest...

Warning signs for other contests:

  • Seemingly "too" large of awards or number of prizes (warning sign of a scam).

  • The contest sponsor publishes anthologies (just a ploy to get you to buy the anthology).

  • There is no cash prize or publication (they award "agency representation" which costs you money).

  • The prize is small compared to the reading fee ($5 fee for a $25 top prize...what's the point?).

    Many writing contests advertise a large cash prize, but then if you read the fine print you will realize that they will only award a certain percentage of the total money received. We will award the total amount of the prizes regardless of the number of entries received. Even if we only received three entries, those three entries would win the full amount of the cash prizes.

    Why are we giving away this money?

    Rather than hide our intentions like many contest sponsers, let's be totally honest. There are several reasons that we are able to award these cash prizes regardless of the amount of participation in the contest...

  • We own many web sites and spend thousands (yes thousands) of dollars each week promoting those sites. The amount awarded is a small price for us to pay for the publicity received for running this contest.

  • Second, since we own many websites, we're always looking for quality content to fill them with. Many of the entries we receive will be published on one of our websites. All of the winners will be published, and many of the non-winners will be published as well. Again, it's a small price to pay for quality content.

  • Third, we are working on some collaborative books (REAL books, not merely anthologies) for which we may consider using contest entries. In the case we decide to use an entry, we will notify the author of the publication and give them credit for it in the book.

  • Lastly, we really do have a passion for writing and writers. We hope that winning our contest and receiving publication on our sites will create positive publicity for authors which may garner the interest of various publishers.

    What are the winners saying about our contest?
    "...there is nothing like writing for outside competitions that offer real prizes and the opportunity to win a place amongst hundreds of other competitors.

    When I saw the advertisement for writingcash.com I decided to enter because their assertion of sincerity and equity for writers appeared credible to me. I believed that they would indeed present writers with a genuine opportunity to compete for a winning place, providing realistic, rather than improbable amounts of prize money.

    As a place winner, I can further endorse my statement here, as both notification and prize money for my story were delivered promptly together with a congratulatory letter; very useful for my resume!"

    Amanda Burchell
    Frankston, Australia

    Amanda Burchell
    Frankston, Victoria (Australia)

    Photo by Peter Hall

    What type of writing contest is this?

    This is a creative writing contest. We will have a new topic or genre for each 3-month contest period. The current topic will be listed here on this page. The minimum is 250 words (less than 1 page) and the maximum is 1,000 words (a little over 3 pages). This allows for a diverse range of entries to be written, and encourages participation by writers of all ages, abilities, and styles.

    The current contest topic is: "Letters To God"

    For this contest, each participant will submit a creative writing piece formatted as a letter to God.

    What are the judging criteria?

    In other words, what will we look for when we are selecting the winning entries? Your writing will be judged by the following criteria:

  • Originality and creativity
  • Clarity and expression of thought
  • Entertainment value
  • Prose (writing style)

    Syntax, spelling, and punctuation will be considered only to the extent that they add or detract from the other aspects of the writing. Your entry will be viewed independently of your name and contact information, and judged according to the judge's interpretation of the above criteria.

    *Note for the current contest: Since the current topic is "Letters to God", we should note that religious belief is not one of the judging criteria, nor is it a requirement for participation. While we welcome and encourage sincerity in your letter, your religious viewpoint will not be a factor in judging.

    What is the entry deadline?

    This contest will run a minimum of four times each year. You may enter at any time. In fact, it's best to submit your entry as soon as it's ready because it helps us keep things organized and prepared for the judging round, as well as planning the length of future contests. The current contest deadline is:

    2005 Contest 2 - Last Day to Enter is October 31st, 2005

    How and when are the prizes awarded?

    Prizes will be awarded during the month following the deadline for any contest. For example, if the deadline is December 31st, then the prizes would be awarded by the end of January. All prizes will be awared in US Dollars. When you submit your entry, you will have a choice of two payment methods to select from. You can receive the prize as a check, which will be delivered by postal mail, or you can receive the prize instantly via Paypal if you have a Paypal account. Winning entries will also be published on our website along with the winner's name and home town.

    What are the winners saying about our contest?
    "This is my first entry and it's great to win. I must admit I hesitated before I sent my work to WritingCash.com, but then figured I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    I'm glad I did, not for the money (which is nice) but the buzz of recognition and the resulting excitement."

    Andrew Lewis
    Cardiff, UK

    Andrew Lewis
    Cardiff, Wales (UK)

    How do I enter?

    You can enter right now using the entry form below. Plus if you enter right now ( ), you will receive five free ebooks. So don't wait, enter now!

    SPECIAL BONUS: Enter Now And Receive 5 Free PDF Ebooks (A $475.00 Value!)

    5 ways to create PDF ebooks 14-point web copy analysis copywriting and ebooks use simple surveys to create best sellers the secret to winning
    After submitting your contest entry, you will be directed to a page where you can download these five great ebooks.


    Step One: Enter Your Name & Email Address
    (You will submit your contest entry on the next page)

    We will never sell, rent, or give away your email address. You will only be added to our own update list to receive hot tips about our writing contest and occassionally other new money making opportunities for writers.
    If you are already a member of our Hot Tips club, you may click here to proceed to Step 2. (Your entry will not be judged if you are not a member so don't skip Step 1 unless you're a member.)

    If you have any trouble submitting your entry, don't hesitate to contact us via email. We hope you have fun with our contest. One entry is allowed per person. Be sure to check the winner's page the month after each contest ends so you can see the winners and read the winning entries!

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