Winners of 2005 Contest 1 (Open Topic)
We received over 1,100 entries in this contest, which was the first contest for We left the topic open for the author to choose, and we were treated to some amazing stories from dozens of countries around the globe. It's fitting that our winners ended up being from three different continents!
1st Place: Andrew Lewis
Click here to read this entry
"The inspiration for the story came from an article I read in a local newspaper, regarding planned redevelopment work for the seafront. Holidays to places like Blackpool, Bournemouth, Brighton, were the staple for British families until recently. Access to Europe and cheaper prices has meant the decline of these British holiday bastions and some of them are facing up to the reality of extinction unless they develop with the times..."
Andrew recently quit his job to pursue his passion for writing, and is currently working on a novel set in his hometown of Cardiff. When not writing, he stays busy with rugby, soccer, tennis and golf.
 Andrew Lewis
Cardiff, Wales (UK)
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2nd Place: Amanda Burchell
Click here to read this entry
"My motivation in writing the story 'Rage' was initially drawn from (another writing contest), using the word belligerence. However, my initial 300 words or less entry was not completed in time. As I'd only half written the story, I decided to enlarge on the concept and drew on my own personal experience in a nursing home, albeit fictionalized, to complete the story."
A nurse by occupation, Amanda writes for the love of it, and has experienced some local publishing success. She also enjoys taking frequent trips to see her son perform at the N.I.D.A. in Sydney, where he is studying acting.
 Amanda Burchell
Frankston, Victoria (Australia)Photo by Peter Hall
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3rd Place: Josh Barrett
Click here to read this entry
"I don't believe I was inspired by anything to write this story. I wrote it originally for a school assignment and re-wrote it for this contest...."
Josh is a full time college student who enjoys swimming and participating in sports.
 Josh Barrett
Pickens, South Carolina (USA)