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Yes, You CAN Write Articles!!

By: Terri Seymour

Writing articles is by far one of the most effective ways of
promoting your business or website. Ezine publishers are always
looking for good content for their ezines. You, as a writer
provide that content and at the same time you build a
reputation as an expert in your field. You also gain
credibility for your business.

The first article is indeed the hardest. Once you get started
they will come much easier. The first thing you want to do is
get ideas for your article. If you have a marketing business,
you might want to write about getting customers or effective
marketing tactics. Once you start thinking you will get many

As each idea comes to you, write it down in your article
notebook or put it on a floppy. After you have several ideas
written down, decide which one you wantto write about first.
When you have made your choice, write a title down that
captures that idea. Example: If you are writing about
gardening, your title could be "Growing Plants, Not WEEDS!"

Once you get your title down, there are a couple of different
ways to form your article.

1. Outline Method- In this method, you can write down all the
main points you want to include in your article. Then all you
have to do is elaborate on each point with some good
information. If applicable, include some useful links to
provide more resources.

2. Lecture Method-This is the method which works best for me.
In this method, I just think about the title for a couple of
minutes, and what information I want to include. I then just
start talking as if I was telling somebody all about the
subject. I just type out as I am talking and in a few minutes
an article is born!!

You might even have your own way that works better for you.

Do not be afraid to give your articles a little personality
and/or humor. Subscribe to some ezines and read the articles to
get an idea of what people are writing. But do not try to copy
somebody else's style. You want YOUR knowledge and personality
to come through in your articles.

After you have finished your article, you should read it from
start to finish. Sometimes just reading through your article
will give you more ideas on what to write.

Once you finish your article and make any necessary changes,
you will need to submit your article to as many sites and
ezines as you can. Here is a list of sites to get you started.


I wrote three articles before I came up with one I liked and
since then I have written four more with no problems. Once you
get past the doubt, you will do just fine.

Terri Seymour owns and operates MyOwnEzine.com
MyOwnEzine.com is a website, ezine and service which
provides the resources, tools, guidance and more to help
you start, publish and promote your own ezine. You can
contact Terri at mailto:ter02@newnorth.net Subscribe
at mailto:subscribe@myownezine.com or visit
http://www.myownezine.com for lots more info.

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