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Writing fiction can be fun too!

By: Gary R. Hess

Writing fiction is something that all of us have trouble with at one time or another. The thought of coming up with a story which didn’t even happy can sometimes even result in shock.

The best way is to approach this the same way as you would a non-fiction story. First, you want to brainstorm. You don’t have to do this all at once, you might want to do your daily chores or watch some television… This always helps with the brainstorming. The ideas will come quickly so you might want to take a pencil and paper with you so you don’t forget it.

Next, choose which idea you think is best not which is easiest. You want this story to be exciting and thrilling with lots of events.

After you have chosen which idea you want to use, begin creating your characters. Write out the main characters of your story with short descriptions of each. Describe what their personalities are like and what they look like as well. This will later prove to be very helpful in the story making process. You don’t have to give “concrete” names to any of the characters as of yet. That can come later; this is just to give a hint at what your limitations will be for each character.

Now that you have done this, write out the setting of where the story will begin and perhaps where it will end. Again, this gives you a better understanding of what the character can and can not do. You don’t want to go too far off course and end up doing something completely different than what you were first expecting.

The last step is what you have been waiting for, writing the story. Now that you have a main idea of what your story and characters will do you may begin. While you are writing you may change your characters a bit, but don’t go too far out of place or it may change the entire story. If you come up with an idea of what you want to happen later on, be sure to write it down.

The best thing about writing fiction is that we don’t have limitations on what can happen. We are our characters. If we want them to be a cowboy in the Midwest we can. If we want them to be a pro basketball player on hemorrhoids we can. This is what makes writing so great. We create our own world through our words… Isn’t it wonderful?

Gary R. Hess is a writer for Writing Resources

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