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Writing about 'writing'.

By: Liana Metal

Writing about ‘Writing’!

By Liana Metal

What am I going to write about?
Which topic is the best?
Who is going to be interested in my article?

You can ask yourself endless questions on ‘what’ is going to be the subject of your article. Don’t despair! This is not a problem . Any topic will do, and a lot of people will read your article as far as you pay attention to the top rule of the internet: Give away information.

This is the reason why people read articles, and that’s why you are reading this article in the first place! Think for a moment: Why am I reading this article?
Of course, you might say it’s out of curiosity, but the most popular answer would be: To get informed in this field.

The best way to start writing straightaway is to think of an experience of yours. It could be any experience, good or bad, on any subject. I have started my writing career by writing about ‘writing’. Sounds funny? It may be , but it has helped me sort out a lot of ‘writing’ related issues and find my way through them. Before starting writing articles for the web though, I read a lot. I practically read anything I came across online , from ads to news items, and from book reviews to ebooks. I became a reviewer to get into the ‘things’ faster, and I joined a lot of online communities as well. Then I started writing How-to articles.

One of my first ones focused on the Cover Letter, how to write a smashing letter fast and easily and then send it off to an editor/publisher. You can read this article for free at my site, http://lianametal.tripod.com , or http://liamet.tripod.com. In a short time I had produced a lot of articles on ‘writing’ , and then I came across the ‘ebook’ device. I said: Why not? It’s free and now I can try to create my own ebook.
So, I did and that was just the beginning. But, creating ebooks is another story.
If you are interested in ebooks, all the instructions are included in my first ebook , Writing Basics, along with a lot of useful tips and information on writing, as well as markets to submit your work to.

You can get Writing Basics from my site at: http://liamet.tripod.com
If you are a new writer or new with the internet as a means of getting published online, you should read it. In Writing Basics I wrote down my own experiences on writing , but there are also other writers’ articles included ,as well as interviews that will help you in your writing career.

The odd thing is that a few years ago I did not even know how to operate a computer, and now I am creating e books! Isn’t it amazing? And know what? Publishers want books about writing , and articles about writing are always very popular. So, why not give it a try yourself?

Liana Metal is a reviewer and writer living in Europe. She has written fiction and non fiction, and at the moment she is creating ebooks on a variety of subjects. Visit her at http://lianametal.tripod.com and become a contributor.

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