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Writing For Public Relations

By: Ana Ventura

So you're not sure how exactly to go about writing material for
you public relations campaign, and maybe you're not even sure you
want to. We're all busy people, right?

One the of the best solutions for that is to just hire someone
else to do the writing for you. "Wait a minute," you say. "That's
going to cost me a fortune!" Maybe, maybe not.

Very large companies and corporations have a PR firm on a monthly
retainer, meaning that they pay them every month to bust out
public relations articles, press releases, or anything that needs
to be written. Most likely this will not be a realistic approach
for the small business owner.

So where do you go? Freelance writers are great place to start.
They work on a per project basis, so if you've only got one or
two documents to write up they will be your best bet. Freelancers
charge either by the project or by the hour, depending on their
preference. Fees for hourly writers can range from $50 all the
way up to $150. Per project fees depend on what you'd like
written, how long it is, and the complexity of the material.

A press release, for example, could cost anywhere from $100 to
$800 for a more seasoned writer. If you would like a ghost writer
to type up an article in your name, a feature length piece could
go from about $800 to $3,000.

This doesn't sound like such a great deal, right? Well, if you
know where to look for great writers, you could get a pretty good
deal. There are a lot of Internet based companies that can do the
work for a much more reasonable price. College students that are
learning how to write for their majors can oftentimes write a
release or an article that is just as good as a pro. And what
starving, struggling college student wouldn't give you a deal?

If you would like to find a freelance writer within your
immediate area so that you can communicate in person, try looking
in your local phone book or asking a large PR firm for some

In the long run, it will probably save you a lot of time and
headache to hire someone else to do your PR writing for you. So
take a look around; chances are you'll find a great writer that
fits nicely into your budget.

Ana Ventura specializes in helping businesses, organizations, and
individuals get media coverage. She is a PR expert at DrNunley's
http://FullServicePR.com , a site specializing in affordable
publicity services. Reach Ana at mailto:ana@fullservicepr.com or

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