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Writing Articles

By: William C. Wilson Sr.

You say, I can’t write an article, I have no knowledge of writing. Let me tell you yes you can!

Why write an article?

It can help you build your business! Yes, writing articles can help build your business. You say how can this help? First, imagine if you will, you have posted your article in an online publication, it has been accepted to be posted online (we will cover how to submit your article latter). Now all of a sudden you have 100 people reading your article, think of what could happen if out of that 100, 10 visit your website or email you for more information about what you are doing.

What has just happened? You have created some potential affiliates or buyers for your products.

If you have a website this can help your rankings in the search engines.

How to start:

1. Think of a subject that you have knowledge of! It can be from cooking to website marketing anything you know is good! You can even ask you favorite relative, friends, whoever for some help, by using their knowledge on a certain subject.

2. Keep notes of what you want to write, the notes should be kept in the order you want to write. This may take you a while to organize but it is well worth the time. This way when you start writing you will not get confused on what you wanted to start with and the order you want to write it.

3. Use a good word processor that can help you with your grammar. I use Microsoft Word; it allows me to set it up to write formal letters it will even give you definitions of why you should change the grammar.

4. Start your writing! Simple isn’t it?

5. At the end add a recourse box, with you name, email or website, for example; Joe Smith is an Independent SFI Marketing Group Representative. You may contact him here then post your website or email.

6. Also, include that is free for reprint as long as the resource box stays intact.

Where to place your articles:

Now that you have written your first article, what’s next?

1. Find a group to join that welcomes articles.

2. Submit your article to free enzines (on line magazines, on line publications) Do searches for free article submissions sites submit your article. If they like it they will post it, and instantly you are an author!

3. Email me your article and I will post it on my website. I will give you some constructive criticism if there is something I feel you can do better on.

Pretty simple, and you thought you couldn’t be an author! Congratulations you are!

William C. Wilson Sr.
Is an Independent SFI Marketing Group Representative

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