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Writing Article (Important tips)

By: Hamoon Arbabi

1. Select your audience.

2. Try to be brief and clear (300-500 words). DON'T write a topic which you don't know by yourself.

3. Start your article with a sentence that grabs your reader's attention. People are bombarded with information on the Internet - they'll decide whether to read your article in the first sentence. If it intrigues them, if it startles them, if it excites them, if it engages them, if it challenges them, they'll keep reading.

4. DON’T give your article a feel of sales page.

5. DON’T put affiliate links in the body part of your article.

6. DON’T forget to keep resource box at the end of article (maximum 5-6 line) that includes your website URL and/or your email address and try to Offer a Free Report in your Resource Box. Follow the guidelines in displaying your resource box.

7. Keep an interesting headline. Because people scan through the topics. So try to grab their attention.

8. Highlight the text using arrows, asterisks etc.

9. Format your article to 65 characters per line and make sure it contains no spelling mistakes.

10. Allow space between paragraphs. Try to keep the matter in short paragraphs. No more than 3 sentences.

11. DON’T submit the same topic to more than one ezine or website in the same week.

12. DON’T put a date in your article copyright. If the copyright says 2001, people will assume the information is out-of-date.

Hamoon Arbabi
Find more about Writing Articles, Good directories and Ezines for submitting articles, Another Marketing tactics, business opportunities, Free services, Free tools and... in http://homebusiness.nexuswebs.net


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