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Write your eBook Fast--First Steps to Finishing Line By: Judy Cullins Why write an eBook? You want ongoing, lifelong multiple streams of income. You want to raise your credibility and trust ratings with clients or customers. You want to get your message out so the world can be a better place. You want to spend only a little time on it. (Would you be willing to spend 4 hours a week?) You want to get it out fast (Would 4-8 weeks be OK?) You want to market for a low-cost investment. And, for some of you, you are ready to be innovative and even take a small risk to get your eBook read by hundreds of thousands, rather than hundreds! Where are you now? You have an idea for your eBook; you have a lot of ideas! Take a moment and decide which one you are most passionate about now and will be for the next year or two. Focus on one great idea, where you know what the audience needs or wants-- your solutions to their problem. Or, do you have your eBook well on its way, but aren't finished. You need advice on how to get it done, what's needed to publish (not much!), and how to distribute it to pull continuous monthly sales that can be 1/3 to 1/2 your income? Who Should Write an eBook?
What do I Need to Know Before I write this eBook? 1. To help make your eBook successful apply the essential "Seven Hot-Selling Points." These include title, table of contents, thesis, "60 second tell and sell," one preferred audience, introduction and the back cover. Why? Every part of your book can be a sales tool. When you include the above "hot-selling points" you will have a roadmap to guide you to writing a focused, organized, compelling book that you will only have to edit a few times. 2. You also need to know how to write a focused, organized, chapter each time. Think format. Each chapter should have approximately the same number of pages if it is a self-help book. Each book chapter may need an introduction, an opening few questions or shocking facts to hook the reader to keep reading, a few stories or analogies to illustrate your how-to's, and an ending that may be a summary, questions to ponder, or action steps to take. Designing every chapter and knowing your essential "hot-selling points" are your eBook's 24/7 sales team and a beacon that brings out your best: writing a compelling, easy to read, inspiring and informational eBook that hundreds of thousands of buyers will want.
Judy Cullins: 20-year author, speaker, book coach
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