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When I Lie Safe In Your Arms

By: Emmanuel Emesakoru

When I lie here safe in your warm arms
Defenseless at the mercy of your charms
A weakling I turn staring into your eyes
I lose my strength in this new paradise

This paradise of encircling warmth I love
For it’s cool as the rainfall from above
That falls upon my skin and makes it shine
Knowing that you’re always mine and fine

When I lie here safe in your strong arm
Though I’m weak but I’m safe from harm
I feel my bones turn into water and flow
My dead feelings gently kindle and glow

This glowing feeling compares to the galaxy
For it always brings me closer to sweet ecstasy
When I lie here safe in your soothing arms
Boneless, defenseless at your irresistible charms

There's really nothing about me. I am Emmanuel Emesakoru, a budding poet who desires to live someday by the poetic works of my hands someday in the United states and make a fine name, just writing poetry.

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