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When Amazon.com Ranks Your Book No.3 out of 27,376 Competing Titles...

By: Jim Green

You know you're doing something right.

NEWSFLASH: 11 January 2004

One of my bestsellers, "Starting an Internet business at Home" (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8) is currently ranking No.3 out of 27,376 competing titles at Amazon.com under keywords 'starting an internet business'. It was first published in 2001 and is still selling like hotcakes. Writing for Profit: You can do it with my tutorial even if you've never written anything before in your life!

Access my proven strategies: they will empower you to create niche non-fiction and generate an exponential residual income stream in your spare time.

This powerful creative writing course reveals the closed secrets that propelled my first traditionally published niche non-fiction book to dizzy heights and inspired me to replicate the formula with a sequel that continues to sell in big numbers online and offline "Starting an Internet Business at Home" Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8) followed by a host of other top selling titles. What I have achieved in writing for profit, so too can you when you are in possession of my tried and tested make-money-writing formula.

If you ever yearned to write a book and have it published but never quite knew how to go about matters with any degree of certitude then this unique tutorial is right on track for you. The focus here is on writing for profit by creating niche non-fiction which is akin to formula writing in that the author works to a tried and tested blueprint. It is the archetype that opens up a vista of possibilities even if you consider yourself to be among the least experienced of wordsmiths.

In this creative writing course you will learn how to:
1.Develop a much-in-demand topic from your own expertise
2. Undertake effective research to add to your knowledge
3. Create a master class writing-for-profit structure
4. Craft the essence of the topic into compelling text
5. Inject it with the little-known secret for best-selling potential
6. Transform your work into a professional teaching module
7. Sell through online outlets on an experimental basis
8. Prepare and submit a winning proposal for hard copy publication
9. Enjoy residual royalties from bookstore & online sales
10. Attract additional streams of incremental income
11. Produce several disparate books from the same basic concept

To assist you in locating an appropriate publisher for your particular project, you will also be directed to a secret web site, a 'vertical' portal containing 1000s of publishing activity profiles together with access to the relevant web sites where you can make your selection of candidates for submission.

Jim Green is a bestselling author with a string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit including 'Starting Your Own Business' (How To Books ISBN 1-85703-859-2) and 'Starting an Internet Business at Home' (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8 - currently ranking No.3 at Amazon.com out of 27,376 competing titles). His tutorial is available at

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