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Ways To Promote Your Business When Your Passion is Writing

By: Maria Marsala

There are at least a "zillion" ways you can market yourself
and your business. Marketing intelligently means finding
what you're passionate about and then using your passion to
market. If you are passionate about writing, below are some
ways to promote your business.

Publish an ezine using your original content. You have 7
choices on how do develop your newsletter.

Each quarter, take the best of your articles and place them
in your in-print newsletter to use as part of your marketing
materials. Send a copy to your friends, colleagues, family
and potential clients.

Place articles on your website. Include a line on each page
that allows your article to be used by others, with
permission. Then include a link to your email address.

Submit articles to Article Banks on the Web. Find links to
article banks at www.coachmaria.com/articlebanks.html This
way your articles have the chance of getting picked up by
other ezines, helping you to reach a broader audience.

Create an elist especially for other ezine authors who look
for original articles by other writers.

Promote your article through the signature line of your

Make it easy for people to request your article by
placing it in an auto-responder. Some auto-responders sites
are: www.ez-responder.com, www.webmailstation.com,
www.fastfacts.net, http://www.sendfree.com

Send articles to your local newspaper (make sure you include
your own copyright information and bio*

Mail, through the Post Office, new articles to your former
clients, current clients and potential clients. Include a
hand written note and your business card.

Pass your new articles out at networking meetings. People
seem to take this type of newsletter more quickly than a
brochure (just my personal observation).

Subscribe to some elists that are set up for authors to
publicize their work. Make sure that you change your
subscription to digest mode! I subscribe to a few on
yahoogroups.com and topica.com Conduct a search using the
words promote articles, advertise articles, or submit
articles. There are new lists popping up all the time.

Maria Marsala is an internationally known Business &
Life Coach-Consultant. She has blended her career as a
Wall Street trader and manager, community activist,
and experience as a consultant with training from
Coach U to create Maria's Place for Holistic Evolution.
Subscribe to "Helping You and Your Business
Grow", a free weekly ezine at www.coachmaria.com

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