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By: Meredith Pond

If you're trying to do business anywhere, especially online, you
can never overestimate the impact and importance of good old-
fashioned credibility.

Any brick-and-mortar, street corner business has at least some
level of credibility. The fact that these businesses have an
established, tangible presence, physical inventory, and staff
gives any traditional businessperson a certain level of
reliability in the eyes of consumers. Online however, such
credibility is much harder to come by. An Internet storefront or
other online business has no roof overhead, no shingle to hang,
and no inventory for consumers to pick up and examine. This puts
a certain distance between buyer and seller, and that breeds
uncertainty in a lot of consumers.

When doing business online, the only way to instill confidence
and trust in potential customers is through your website. Your
website, for the most part, is made up of nothing but WORDS,

If your website copy is full of typos, grammatical errors, and
unbelievable guarantees, your credibility is likely to suffer.
On the other hand, a site that is well-written, easy to read, and
full of useful information makes your business seem stable,
reliable, and credible. In the eyes of consumers, your web site
IS your business, so a site full of mistakes is a business not
worth buying from.

If you walked into a furniture store and found that room groups
were unmatched, fabrics were torn, and the sales staff ended
every sentence in a preposition, would you stay long? Would you
be impressed enough with the business to make a major purchase?
Probably not. For most people, the story is the same with a
haphazard, disorganized, unintelligent website. They won't stay
long, and they won't had over any money.

Before publishing your site for millions to see, make sure it's
been thoroughly reviewed by someone who knows the language and
knows what a good website should look like. If you have
inventory, make sure you include detailed photos (front and back)
that customers can click on and enlarge. If what you're trying
to sell is a service, be sure to provide testimonials,
references, and links to previous work.

Most mistakes really can be eliminated with just a bit of
caution. Instead of reading quickly through your copy before
posting it, get out a red pen and go through it slowly and
carefully. Then, have someone else do it a second time. When
your credibility is on the line, you can't be too careful.

Meredith Pond is editor and manager of DrNunley's
http://CheapWriting.com. See her low-cost writing and editing
services for students and business people, including a web site
rewriting package. Reach Meredith at meredith@drnunley.com or

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