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Use Feature Articles For Marketing and PR

By: Ana Ventura

Writing a feature article about your own product, service, or
company is one the best marketing techniques that can be used.
Sending the article to trade, consumer, or business publications
that correspond to the topic can get pages devoted to you at no
cost, not to mention the prestige and recognition brought to the
author and company. Why prestige and recognition? Well, having an
editorial piece gives you a lot more credibility than paid,
sponsored advertising.

Deciding what type of article you want to write depends on what
you want to say. An application story is one popular type of
article because it addresses how the company solved a problem or
addressed a specific need. Your PR comes in by suggesting this
case history to editors. Readers can learn through the article
how your product can be used in their lives by it's previous

How to articles are also popular, and are aimed at editors,
executives, managers, and professionals. You could also write an
article based on new products, trends in the industry, or
developments. Just remember to keep your topic newsworthy if you
want anyone to publish it.

As far as getting your work published, don't be discouraged when
you get rejected many, many times. The best way to get your work
out there is to keep submitting to new places until someone
decides to give it a go. Many authors have submitted their works
to thousands and thousands of editors, to have only a few hundred
articles published.

Looking at back issues of the journals and magazines where you
wish to submit is a good idea. By seeing what sorts of materials
have run there before, you have a better chance of writing
something that they might be looking for.

It is highly suggested by some editors to send a query letter
before submitting the actual article. This is especially true if
you are wanting to send to exclusive print journals. Keep in mind
that this query is much like a sales letter with your editor as a
prospect. Always be professional, do your research, state your
credentials, and edit, edit, edit.

If the publication allows, use a resource box at the end of the
article. This is longer than a byline and gives the reader much
more information about you, including your contact info in case
they would like to use your business. The resource box usually
brings in more response than an ad would, because your article
has established your authority on the subject.

Ana Ventura specializes in helping businesses, organizations, and
individuals get media coverage. She is a PR expert at DrNunley's
http://FullServicePR.com , a site specializing in affordable
publicity services. She also writes for the Ezine Ad Package at
http://BizGuru.com Reach Ana at mailto:ana@fullservicepr.com or

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