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Travel Writing

By: Jack Adler

Travel Writing could be called the ultimate dream job.
Imagine traveling the world and getting paid to tell
about your experiences … or sharing your favorite local
spots with readers across the country …. or even being
offered special treatment and complimentary travel. So
how do you turn your vacation fun into a money-making
profession? How to Break In as a Travel Writer will
tell you what it’s really like to be a travel writer,
where and how to sell your travel material, and how
much you can expect to earn. Current active travel
writers will share with you their experiences and their
inside tips on how you can be a successful travel
writer. And Your Game Plan will get you started today,
with a step-by-step action plan.

Below, you will meet some people who are doing it
with success.

Norm Sklarewitz - freelance travel writer
Norm lives in Los Angeles, California. He has written
thousands of magazine and newspaper articles and
columns since being engaged exclusively as a freelance
journalist. He also has been Los Angeles Bureau Chief
for U.S. News & World Report, and a staff reporter for
the Wall Street Journal, which included a stint for the
paper while based in Tokyo.

Here’s our conversation with Norm -

** What is your daily schedule? **

Actually, there really is no one typical day. Some days
can be making a lot of phone calls, researching, and
writing, while other days can be 25-50 percent
administrative in writing queries and responding to
questions from editors regarding assignments and
stories already turned in. I check my email frequently,
probably compulsively. I find that email has taken over
90 percent of communication. Faxes have almost stopped.
And some days involve meetings, interviews out of my
office at home, and going to industry functions. But no
day is like a nine to five day. I often work late into
the night and start early as well. To reach someone on
the East Coast I have to make calls early. I work
heavily with Asian sources, and their day begins around
four to five p.m. my time, so I'm working till 10 p.m.
to make sure I get what I need before I go to bed.

** Why do you enjoy being a freelance writer? **

Total independence, which is both a big plus and big
minus. You have the freedom to succeed or fail on your
own ability. But you have to recognize that there isn't
any job security or benefits as with a full time job.
You often work more hours than in a normal work week,
but you have the flexibility to work at your own pace.

** How did you become a writer? **

All I ever wanted to be was a reporter. I wrote for my
high school paper and wrote some freelance articles at
the University of Indiana. I was an Army corespondent
in Europe. Subsequently, I worked for City News in
Chicago and then some other publications.

**What would you do differently if starting over as a

I would probably be more aggressive in going after the
top markets without sacrificing the smaller markets.
Sometimes articles may be more apropos for smaller
publications. I'd really set my sights on selling to
larger and more difficult to sell markets.

Jack Adler, the author of How to get started as a Travel Writer, has over 25 years’ experience writing about
travel. Four books he’s written are: Consumer's Guide
To Travel, Exploring Historic California, Companion
Guide To Southern India, and Travel Safety
(co-authored). Numerous of his articles have run in
various newspapers and magazines. He has been a
columnist, on a freelance but weekly basis, for the Los
Angeles Times' travel section. His columns have also
run in the San Francisco Examiner; Westways Magazine,
and Cruise Travel Magazine. He also was a columnist/
editorial writer for Better Business Travel, a
nationally distributed newsletter; and a columnist for
TravelAssist, an electronic magazine. Currently, he's
the leader/chief content provider for Prodigy's travel
bulletin board and a columnist for Travel World
International, an electronic magazine. He is a member
of the Society of American Travel Writers and the North
American Travel Journalists Association. He has taught
a course in Travel Journalism for many years at UCLA
Extension, and a course in Feature Writer for the
Writer's Digest School.

If you would like to try your hand at this ultimate dream job - pick up the ebook at www.DreamJobsToGo.com.

Jack Adler, the author of How to get started as a Travel Writer, has over 25 years’ experience writing about

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