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Top 10 Beauty of Being In Love

By: Kathryn Lim

Relationships play a big role in our lives. In every relationship, the level of fun, communication and intimacy is different. People around us are sometimes our best teacher who will reflect to us what we need to work on the most. Here are ten points on how relationships can be beneficial to our personal growth...

1. Intimacy

Intimacy ("in-to-me-I-see"). The higher the level of intimacy, the deeper you look into yourself.

2. Learning

Relationships provide lessons for us to learn how to relate, communicate and connect with people; thus knowing more about ourselves.

3. Vulnerability

"It is the heart that's afraid of breaking that never learns to dance." Through the exposure of the heart it becomes alive and thus opening up to receive more of what the Universe has to teach every moment.

4. Patience

All relationships take time to build. It is very much like watching a seed slowly blossoming into a rose day by day. It requires time, effort and energy to just wait. Waiting takes patience.

5. Accountability

The people we trust and spend time with are normally the ones whom we can count on and share our dreams or ideas with. They become the angels pointing out to us when they notice we are going off-track and/or out of integrity with life.

6. Fun

Simply experiencing and experimenting life together.

7. Being real

When you are transparent with yourself and the people you love, you can basically choose to be real with ANYONE in your life.

8. Open communications

100% of all misunderstandings happen when we don't communicate openly and cleanly. Laying harsh judgments and critics without open listening in the first place often blocks connection with another being.

9. Tonic for the heart

It matures you not only intellectually but also emotionally.

10. Respect, Honor and Love

What a sweet gift to give to another person just by learning how to honor and respect their space, time and energy...Putting out and giving them your best every moment is a practice of love itself.

Kathryn Lim is a life coach, business image consultant and author of Wealth From Within who can be reached at kathryn@kathrynlim.com, or visited on the web http://www.cvreferral.com/17/108655.html

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