Tips For Writing Articles Online...
by BB Lee (C)2003
I've written and published over 30 articles in SmallBizBits
and other publications online. I've also published family
parenting articles, several romance articles, and a dozen
travel articles in print media. When I first approached
the Internet market I was unsure if the same article
format was acceptable on the Internet.
So, I certainly understand when new article writer's say they
don't know how to approach the Internet crowd with their
material. Or exactly how to structure their articles properly.
Here's a few important things to consider:
First you must know the popular article types.
-The List Article.
-The How To Article.
-The Information Article.
-Combination Of All The Above.
The List Article is written to answer a specific problem.
One problem might be what software is available to fight
spammers(email sent by unscrupulous marketers). You would
start with your lead statement, background, and then list
the top ten software programs available, with a brief
description and link to the web site. Then, stop after
the end of the list or wrap it up with a thoughtful
quote or whatever is appropriate.
The How To Article is written to show the reader how
to handle a specific problem. Let's use spam
(unsolicited e-mail) as our very popular topic. In this
type of article you would start with a brief introduction,
background sentences and list specific instructions on
how to fight spam. For instance detailed instructions on
setting up spam filters in your email program. Then wrap
your article up with a quote or other appropriate conclusion.
The Information Article is written to inform the reader on
the latest up-to-date information on a specified subject.
Another hot topic laws passed to help online business
owners fight spammers. You would begin with an interesting
lead sentence. The necessary background. A discussion of
the recent changes and provide relevant quotes and links
to specific laws on spam. Finally, wrap the article up
with an appropriate conclusion.
All three article types are very popular online. You might
use one specific type of article or a combination of all
the above. I am positive one of the article forms will
immediately fit your writing style. Try using that style
with confidence. Once you've gained experience dabble in
all the article formats to keep your article writing style
fresh and energized.
Once you hit your writing stride ideas will pop out of
your surroundings, online, in conversations, emails,
newspapers, newscast, pop culture events, latest tech
news, everywhere!
And after composing your gems submit them to these
popular online article directories.
And don't forget to add your resource box. This will
contain all your important contact information.
Like this article? Visit SmallBizBits to read my previous
article "How To Write Articles For The Hungry Web Market."
BB Lee is Editor And Publisher of SmallBizBits Newsletter!
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BB Lee is the editor/publisher of SmallBizBits home based business newsletter and a freelance writer.