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The subject is vivid imagery

By: Rose DesRochers

I was asked recently by a poet how to bring more vivid imagery into his writing. So you want to use vivid imagery in your writing? Well first in order to write using vivid imagery you are going to visualize your subject matter. Close your eyes and put yourself right there in the scene.

Say you are writing about the ocean. Describe the sound of the waves, describe the sky, and describe the rocks. Do you see the shoreline? Are there any birds in your picture that you are creating in your mind? Is the ocean calm? Give life to the ocean, make it come alive. Play it through your mind like a movie and tell me in great detail what it is you see when you have your eyes closed. Imagine the gentle waves washing over the golden sands of the shore, the calm ocean gloriously tinted by the setting sun. In the peaceful, warm water there is fish swimming around and around or perhaps you are picturing something different.
The key to writing using vivid imagery is to close your eyes and just let yourself daydream. Poets and writers are daydreamers. Close your eyes and picture your subject and then don’t be afraid to give life to your subject. The key to writing with good imagery is to make your reader visualize what it is you are seeing.
"Calm Ocean Sunset"

The gentle waves washed over the golden sands of the shore
The calm ocean was gloriously tinted by the setting sun
As I watched the sunset dipping below the ocean's horizon
A lone seagull circled above the calm waters
It’s flight silhouetted in the glittering of the blue velvet sky
My senses were opened to the calmness of the setting sun
I had never felt so warm and safe before
The sun pouring out brilliant colors of orange
The ocean appeared so calm and still
My eyes were dazzled by the splendor of beauty
I felt an eerie calm as the sun set upon my face,
It overshadowed the gray clouds that hovered over my life
I felt totally detached from my body
I felt the warm trickle of tears on my cheeks
I had no intention of leaving that place
Standing in the setting sun that painted my life golden
At that moment I was at peace with myself

Copyrighted © Rose DesRochers 2005

Rose is a published author from Canada Ontario and is also the founder of http://www.todays-woman.net a community for men and women over 18, where writers/poets/columnists meet and exchange ideas, contest, rate and review and help each other succeed in the writing industry.

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