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The look in her eyes – Part 1

By: Deepshikha Mohapatro

Fire, fire, Natasha heard people shouting, she ran out of her house and saw that there was fire everywhere. There seemed to be so much of light all around her that she could not see anything. There is nothing like certainty in life things can change any time, any minute. Her mind was spinning; she suddenly remembered that her baby was sleeping inside the house. She ran back into the house. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was 11 pm. She had seen this before, surely she had. The same clock the same time; she had heard the same noises.

Something was very familiar about this scene. It seemed like she had lived this before. Nancy tried to put away her thoughts. She ran indeed the house calling out “Romi, get up there is a fire”. She picked up Romi from the bed. Suddenly she threw him out of the window and jumped. She new it for sure that there not much time to go downstairs and walk out of the door, the house would come down. There was someone outside ready to catch Romi. How did she know that someone would be there to catch her baby? She was on the ground and Romi was safe in a strangers arm. The house was falling into pieces. It seemed like all this had happened before and she had seen it. Maybe it was her dream turning into reality, dreams that were haunting her. Fear smiled on her face.

To be continued…..


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