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The Written Word - How to use it to Create Powerful Sales Letters

By: Chuck Crawley

The *written word* is the most powerful source of influence
in the universe. Just think about how the daily newspaper
forces the opinions of the people who live in your hometown.

The *written word* is AWESOME!

So, how are you using it to *influence* your web site
visitor or target audience in your email marketing

You CAN write Dynamic, opinion-changing ads, web page content
and Sales Letters if you just follow a few simple techniques.

Learn how to breakdown your ideas into simple steps and you
can create marketing materials that forces people to obey your
commands and put your online marketing efforts in *over-drive*.

A Simple Sales Letter Template:

To create a great sales letter for your website or
Autoresponder, just follow these 4 easy steps.

Step 1:
** Take your best *shot* right up-front.

Your sales letter must *Grab* attention starting with the
first line of text. Blow it here and you're Doomed. If you've
done your homework, then you know what the Most Appealing
Benefits of your product or services are. Use them at the
very beginning of your letter. A bulleted list of STRONG
benefits will keep them reading.

How has your Bowling game been lately?

The TURBO THUNDER ball can:

* Increase your scoring by over 25 pins.

* Decrease the effort that you have to make to Explode
the pins.

* Make you the envy of your bowling team.
Notice how I only mention the emotional benefits (What's in
this for me?) that a bowler is looking for. No technical
stuff here. We'll get to that later. The longer the list the
more you'll get the reader involved with your proposal.

Step 2
** Throw in a few technical goodies

Tell them why this product is better than the rest. Do it
quickly. You don't want to bore your audience.

The TURBO THUNDER is made of pure titanium stock with a
revolutionary weight block that was designed by scientist
at the NASA space center.

You can choose from eight (8) custom colors and five (5)
different surface stocks.
The technical stuff is necessary but your primary goal here
is to *make sales*. Sales are made by sparking the
emotions. So, move past this part quickly.

Step 3
** Convince them WHY they should BUY!

Use your best stuff here. Give them a powerful reason to
buy your product or service.

1. Use testimonials.

"First time on the lanes with the TURBO THUNDER, I shot
my first 300 game."
Chuck Crawley, Newport News, Va.

2. Tell them why they should only buy from you.

We have made a special arrangement with the TURBO THUNDER
manufacturing facility to get the first 1000 balls hot off
the assembly line. Because of this Special deal with the
manufacturer we can offer this product to you at an
unbelievable price.

3. Offer a Guarantee that's Irresistible.

If your scoring with the TURBO THUNDER ball does not
increase by more than 10 pins after the first 60 days, then
you can return the ball back to us and get your full
purchase price refunded. No questions asked!

4. State your very best offer.

The TURBO THUNDER will hit the streets with a retail price
of $250.00. Purchase the TURBO THUNDER from us within the next
15 days and you can own this revolutionary product at 50% off.
Yes, that's right. Get the TURBO THUNDER within the next 15 days
for an amazing price of $125.00.

Follow these steps in this part of your letter and you will
have them reaching for their credit cards.

Step 4
Create a SENSE of URGENCY to Buy NOW.

Don't *drop the ball* here. You must create a sense of urgency.
Then tell them EXACTLY how to order and how easy it is to do so.

The TURBO THUNDER ball is only available at this special discount
price for the next 15 days. So, you must order today. This offer
will NOT be available again after the expiration date.

To order today just follow these easy steps.

Click on the order link below.

Fill out the order form on the secure order page.


Pickup your telephone and dial 1-800-999-9999. A friendly
operator will help you to complete your order.

The Awesome POWER of the *written word* can work for you. Just
use these easy steps to create your next sales letter or
web page content.

Chuck Crawley has been a home-based business owner for the
last 12 years. Get his Free Report on how to:
"Unleash the Most Powerful product that you NOW Possess."
You'll learn How to possess it INSTANTLY.

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