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The Monsters Out Of The Cage - Part 2

By: John Colanzi

In part one of this article we covered why electronic
publishing is such a powerful breakthrough, allowing even
the new online marketer to cash in.

If you missed part one you can get a copy via autoresponder.

For the purposes of these articles we're going to assume
you've either written your own ebook, are a reseller for
the author, or you've purchased the resale rights to a book.

You've got your money machine, how do you get it to start
spitting out cash.

Here's a simple step by step plan to getting started on a
shoestring budget and reinvest profits to grow your money

Step 1:

The first thing you'll need is a collection of classified
ads that will peak the readers interest and take action.

The purpose of the classified is to get you the lead. It's
not designed to make the sale.

If you'd like to learn how to write powerful classified ads
download a free copy of "How To Make A Fortune With
Classified Ads" at: http://johncolanzi.com/classified.exe

The classified ad is the most powerful tool in your arsenal.
They're low cost and carry a big punch.

Step 2:

You've got your classified ads ready to start pulling in
the leads, now you'll need a powerful sales letter to close
the sale. Sales letters are an art in themselves.

If you haven't written sales letters before, the best place
to start is by reading "Million Dollar Sales Letters". This
famous book contains 15 powerful sales letters that have
created millions of dollars in sales for companies such as
the Wall Street Journal.

Find a sales letter that fits your offer and customize it
to fit your style. You can download a free copy of this
awesome book at: http://johncolanzi.com/letters.exe

Ok. You're almost there.

* You've got the next sure-fire best seller.

* You've got the attention grabbing, lead generating
classified ads ready to work their magic.

* You've got your million dollar sales letter ready to
close the sale and start filling your inbox with orders.

Wow! We've come a long way. In part 3 we'll work on setting
up your order grabbing direct response web site.

In the words of Hannibal Hayes from the A Team, "I love it
when a plan starts to come together."

Wishing You Success

John Colanzi publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter.
To subscribe mailto:ezmailer-subscribe@listbot.com
If you want to cash as an e-publisher and make 100%
profits visit: http://www.internet-profits4u.com

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