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The Internet Has Made Millionaires. Can It Make You, The Creative Writer?

By: Georgina Stath

The revolution of the internet has brought opportunities for
many that wanted to make a difference in their lives. It doesn’t
cost much to launch a business as it would in the offline world.
The coverage is enormous and your target audience is easily accessible.

The fact is, you can make your own success story using this medium
and those that have, share some common things…

> They want to succeed
> They take responsibility for the way their lives are going
> They take matters into their own hands
> They have their own products
> They sell their own products
> They are masters of their own destiny

In short, they make things happen for themselves.

The internet was made for the creative writer. It’s the medium of
communication. The medium where you, as a creative writer, can really
unleash your creativity.

Why haven’t more writers then woken up to the opportunity that is
staring them in the face?

Why don’t they take their fate straight out of the publishers hands and
place it in their own hands? Because it’s easier to just write a query
letter and send it off with a kiss and prayer? Not true.

You lose by receiving rejection letter upon rejection letter. Rejection
plays negatively at your emotions. You begin questioning your choice.

On the other hand, when you have the opportunity to unleash your
creativity, you write what you want and make a living from it. Knowing
you will make it, because it is all in your hands, you find that your passion
for writing reaches heights never before experienced. You find that your
writing becomes much better. You grow as a person. Your life becomes so
much better.

Listen. It’s not all about the money. You can really make a comfortable
income on the internet but by far the biggest benefit is that you can become
the writer you want to be. There are no markets, no limitations, no one to tell
you what is best for you. You know this very well.

You can sell your own fiction yourself. If you want to make it as a writer, this
is by far the easiest, quickest and more profitable option.

Georgina Stath is a creative writer who took matters into her own
hands. She runs her own business. She writes what she wants. She keeps
all the profits. You can do it too. Just change your mind.
Join the ‘Entrepreneur Creative Writer’s Course To Success.’ It’s free
and highly informative. Send a blank email to

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