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The Art of Reading Your Buyer's Mind

By: Kris Mills

Wouldn't it be fantastic if you had a crystal ball and you could read your
prospects' minds you knew what they were thinking when you were making your
sales presentation. You knew why there were considering the product in the
first place. You knew what they thought about your product in comparison
with others. You knew what questions and objections were going through their

In a face-to-face sales presentation you have the ability to gauge their
body language and to ask feedback. With direct mail you simply don't have
that luxury.

So, how do you know what they're thinking? And how do you write copy that
addresses their questions and turns those objections into buying signals?

This is what I do.

After going through a special process where I put myself in the buyer's
shoes and research the products' offerings along with what the competition
is offering, I'll then say to myself, "If I was in the market for xyz
product what additional information do I need and what would prevent me from
buying it?"

I'll then write down a list of questions and address each of these questions
in order of priority throughout the communications piece.

Here are some typical questions that I will address when writing copy that
sells B-2-B services?

1. My situation/business is unique, do you have the experience and/or
intelligence to deliver a solution that meets my unique needs?

2. Do you understand my industry?

3. Do you understand my clients?

4. Do you have the track record to make me feel confident that they will
generate results for me?

5. Are you well-versed regarding the most cutting-edge techniques

6. I've always performed this service internally, why should I outsource

7. How can an external company understand my business as well as I do?

8. What do your clients think about you?

9. The competitors are cheaper so why should I go with you?

10. Are your services appropriate for my size of business or my level of

11. I'm not the biggest fish in the sea, so how do I know that you won't
treat me like a number?

12. Your competitors have been around a lot longer so why should I go with

13. I've always done okay doing what I'm doing, why should I change tack and
use your type of service now?

14. Am I confident that you have my best interests at heart?

15. How do I know you can you deliver to meet my time frames?

16. How do I know that you will deliver what you promise?

17. Am I getting value for money?

18. Will you help me to implement their ideas or will I be left to fend for

19. What proof do you have that it works?

20. What happens if I don't have the time to implement the ideas?

21. What if your advice or instructions are hard to follow?

22. Are your payment terms easy to swallow?

23. Will I get quick responses to my requests?

24. What is your past track record like?

25. Do I like your company?

26. Do I like the person writing me this letter?

27. What happens if your solutions don't work? Will I be left high and dry?

28. Will I get ripped off?

29. What does the process involve?

30. How long will it take?

I'm sure you can add to this list and tailor it to your particular business,
but the point of the exercise is to understand the potential negatives and
address them in your communications piece.

By effectively nullifying those objections, you're removing the barriers to
doing business with you which means your responses will increase

So - grab your proposal templates and your standard direct mail pieces and
marketing collateral and talk to your sales people to find out ALL the most
common objections you face.

In an information package, the most common way to handle objections is via a
"Frequently Asked Questions" document. The question addresses the objection
(naturally) and the answer portion addresses that objection in a positive
manner that presumes the prospect will buy.

Incidentally, a trick I use to maximise the effectiveness of FAQ documents
is to include questions that relate to the purchasing process. By doing
this, you're presuming they will buy and you're helping them picture
themselves buying. Questions like "How do I pay?" and "When will I receive
my product?"

Each of these questions play an important role in helping you step into your
buyer's shoes. Address each of the major ones in your copy and you'll find
your responses incread dramatically.

Happy writing!

Kris Mills
Kris Mills of Words that Sell is an experienced copywriting and direct
marketing professional and is also the author of "How to Create a Sales
Explosion With Every Ad You Write" ( visit
http://www.synergie.com.au/explosion.htm )

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