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The Alternative to Book Tours

By: Sandra Puckett

The reason an author does a book tour is for publicity. When an author visits a city, the publisher is hoping that a newspaper will feature the book – since the book signing is a local event. Unfortunately, if an author self-publishes, the book tour expenses fall on the author. Most authors cannot afford that expense. If you’re one of those authors, there is an alternative.

It’s an online tour. You can tour online using blogs.

1. You can start a blog to give Internet users a preview of your book. You should also get a website to promote your book. (There are many free web-hosting companies out there, if you’re unable to pay for one.) Make sure you put a link to your website on your blog.

2. Find blogs that have readers that would be interested in your book. Contact the blog administrators to see if they would be interested in featuring your book on their blog.

3. Find websites that offer free book promotion.

You can promote your book on our website, too; www.forthewriter.com - go to Featured Books.

Sandra Puckett is the founder and webmaster for www.forthewriter.com

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