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The Advantage of Becoming a Recognized Name

By: Bill Platt

If you are reading this article today, you are likely among
those who are working an online business. Unfortunately, you
have already learned that finding customers is not as easy as
you once thought it would be. Many people have broken the bank
and their dreams searching for that first customer or second

Having discovered the challenge of finding customers has left
you with a feeling of not knowing quite what to do. That is
why you read ezines or visit websites like this one. You are
searching for the knowledge that you feel you are lacking. You
open each new issue of each ezine you subscribe to looking for
the help you need to find your first customer or even to
increase upon the customers you have already found.

See, the greatest challenge we all face is not finding people
who need our products or services. Instead, our greatest
challenge is actually building trust in the hearts and minds
of the people who need our products or services. This is why
most people have such difficulty in finding the customers we
all need.

Online marketers cannot establish trust with one single
advertisement! They cannot establish trust with one impression
of their banner! One might get lucky and get the click-through
on the advertisement or banner, but that click-through will
only generate a sale for one in two hundred visitors. Scary,
isn't it?

To stop and realize that the average on the Internet is five
sales per thousand visitors can make it frightening to most
beginners to online marketing. The term "beginner" in this
area could apply to anyone who has been marketing online for
less than 3 years. Yes, it is a steep learning curve on the
web! Most people quit before they ever get to the three year
mark --- quitting long before they have given themselves the
chance to succeed.

Most marketing polls suggest that it will take you seven
exposures before you will have earned enough trust to get a
sale online or offline. What that means is that your potential
customer must see your name and your ads a minimum of seven
times before you can expect their interest to peak enough to
give you a second look.

That is what makes advertising online so very difficult. With
more than 200 million people online, the chance of hitting the
same person twice with your advertising is slim to none if you
are advertising your wares the same as most people are.

Most people try to advertise with the scatter shot approach.
They throw an ad out there hoping to hit as many people as
possible and then move on to the next ad or next advertising
medium. With this scatter shot approach, their chance of
hitting one person twice is astronomical! The chance of
hitting that person the required seven times is nearly

The "Rule of Seven" is why most marketers begin their own
ezine. As a publisher, it is easy to hit your seven times in
the trust building process. The difficulty of this method is
growing the mailing list size. As a publisher, it is fairly
easy to keep subscribers --- getting the subscribers is the
real difficulty.

While I do recommend for the marketer to start the ezine, the
process of building a client base from an ezine is the slow
boat to China approach. It could realistically take years to
break the plateau of your first 1000 subscribers!

Let me suggest a few names to you:

Aaron Turpen, Angela Giles Klocke, Bill Daugherty (Mr. D),
Bob Leduc, Cathy Goodwin, Craig Lock, David McKenzie,
Dr. Nunley, Elena Fawkner, Harmony Major, Jan Tincher,
John Colanzi, Josh Hinds, Julie Jordan Scott, Judy Cullins,
Karon Thackston, Larry Dotson, Max Shifrin, Melvin Durai,
Michael Southon, Pamela Heywood, Richard Lowe, Robin Nobles,
Sam Vaknin, Shelly Lowery, Shery Ma Belle Arrieta,
Wild Bill Montgomery, and Bill Platt.

Of these 29 people, how many of these names do your recognize?
Of the names that you do recognize, how many of them can you
tell me what kind of business they are in?

Further, of the people whose names you recognize, what is your
gut feeling about them? How many of them do you feel that you
can trust?

Chances are really good that you have heard of at least one
third of these people. I can almost guarantee that you have
heard of at least one person on this list. How do I know this?

It is simple.

These 29 people all share one common trait. They are all
people who publish free-reprint articles to be distributed
to publishers the world over. Each of them provide top-notch
content that appeals to a much larger audience.

Ezine publishers and webmasters the world over are looking for
free content that they can supply to their readers. They all
understand what a recent Yahoo! study emphasized. Content is
King! Most site visitors are looking for information of some
kind when they go to a site or subscribe to an ezine.

These publishers and webmasters understand that the best way
to attract and keep traffic and readers is to provide folks on
the web what they want. By using free-reprint articles, they
are able to provide their readers and their site visitors with
the high-quality content subscribers and surfers demand.

If there is a single name on this list that you recognize and
feel as if you can trust, then you have the strongest testimony
available to the power of using free-reprint articles to build
your business.

If you are not confident to strike out writing your own
articles, there are several people who are willing to hire
their own article writing skills out to folks just like you.

What it boils down to is this, if you are in business on the
web and are looking to find your first or ten thousandth
customer, you should seriously consider striking out into
the free-reprint market. If you are not comfortable as a
writer, then you should absolutely explore the possibility
of hiring a ghost writer to write articles for you.

Bill Platt owns The Phantom Writers, a company committed to
helping people to establish an Internet presence & promote their
businesses through the use of Free-Reprint Articles. Through
June 1st, 2002, you can save $150 on our normal subscription
rates. All articles are distributed to 6,500+ publishers & web-
masters as part of the package. http://PathTrax.com/x.pl/BP121,29

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