You may think, "Why not let other Web sites sell my book?"
That's a good plan to get started, but one of the dangers is that
Online publishers or book-selling sites may not pay you on time,
pay you enough, or just go by the wayside because of low profits.
They pay around 30% royalties for print books and 50-70% royalty
for eBooks, and send you checks periodically through the mail. If
you have your own Web site for your informational products, you
will get to keep all of the money after expenses--always a great
advantage, and you will be seen as a market leader in your field.
1. Enhance your Online and brand presence with your particular
"branding"--why your product or service is the right choice--why
you are the preferred expert over your competition. For instance,
the one who says I can help you make your book dream a reality,
faster, cheaper, and easier. How? Through designing every part of
your book to sell copies--before you write a single chapter applying
the essential "hot selling points," and how to write each chapter
much faster with less editing using the "fast-forward" technique.
2. Enhance product awareness. When your targeted visitors come
to you site to see your free articles and tips, the will become
aware of the products you offer. They may not buy the first time,
the second or even third time, but if you keep your site updated
with new information every week and mark your site that you have
done so, your visitors will keep coming, and up to fifty percent
will buy.
3. Boost your leads fast. When you entice your reader with a
testimonial or a free bonus report to leave their email address,
you will be able to continue to stay in touch with them. Allow
them to download a free chapter or excerpt of your eBook.
Illustrate with benefits and a testimonial why they should sign
up for your free ezine.
4.Reach new customers worldwide. Once you get up on the Web,
many people will come to your site from all over the world.
Your ezine or teleclass can connect with people outside your
area because your subscribers or participants think so much of
you that they forward the good news to their friends and
associates. Only targeted buyers come bringing a much higher
rate of sales.
5.Add a new sales channel. Maybe people know you or your
products offline through networking groups or other business
ventures. A Web site makes you even more respected, and Online
people expect you to have a Web site because they love the
convenience and speed of Online ordering.
6.Increase your existing sales channels, such as post cards,
talks, book signings, or radio interviews where you do business
with an 800 free order telephone number. Offer improved
customer service and support because so many people like to buy
7.Reduce support costs. You would spend far more on rent for a
real office and need more equipment and furniture plus more
support staff. Online marketing is far easier, cheaper and more
effective than the mail, telephone or fax.
8.Reduce the cost of doing business. In your home-based virtual
office, you will have much less overhead. For eBooks, you won't
have to spend time or money on postage, packaging, or mailing.
You reduce your dependence on other sales channels such as the
brick and mortar bookstore, which only take your book through a
distributor or wholesaler. All of these folks take a hefty
percentage to greatly reduce your profits--up to 90%. Online
bookstores will accept your eBook or print book readily by your
filling our a few forms and agreements.
9.Increase your profits up to ten times. When you sell your eBook
or product to an Online Book-selling site, you may receive a
commission up to 70%. When you sell your print books Online,
they will give you around 30% royalties delivered by check every
few months. These monies support the author, not the unwieldy
publishing monolith who spends most of its time and money on
big-ticket authors.
10.Reduce your marketing time because email communication is short,
fast, and gets to the point quickly. You don't have to spend time
buying stamps and special envelopes and stationery. With a virtual
assistant, you can look like Barnes and Noble reaching many
thousands of Online buyers by putting ongoing attention and
maintenance on your site.
If you are like me, you will enjoy keeping track of your increasing
sales each month. You will enjoy staying in touch with your buyers.
When they order on your site you can keep track of them, put them
in your address book, and send them follow up information, free
bonuses and requests.
Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach
_Write Your Ebook or Other Short Book - Fast! _
_Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online_
_Quadruple Your Web Sales in One Month with Free Articles_
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