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Ten High Readership Ideas For Internet Articles

By: Catherine Franz

1. Participate in chat rooms related to your targeted
audience. Watch what questions people are asking
and ask others what information they're interested in.

2. Examine what information is being broadcasted on
tv, news and talk shows. That pieces of information are usually
hot topics.

3. Hang out in similar message boards. People leave
questions for the information they're seeking. That is a
strong indicator of subjects to write about.

4. Survey your web site visitors or current customers.
Ask them what type of articles they would like to see
published on your web site or in your e-zine.

5. Regularly check your site's guest books. People
sometimes leave questions or comments that would
help you generate high readership articles.

6. Check online bookstore's best sellers list. They're
very good resources for finding winning topics and
ideas to write about.

7. Use the time of year to come up with good topics.
You could relate your content to the holiday season,
things that happened years ago during that time, etc.

8. Join some related e-mail discussion lists. Explore
the questions being asked and the subjects people are

9. Relate your article to a current fad that's going
on in your specific industry. The topic is usually
interesting to your target audience.

10. Make a file of visitor or customer questions you
receive via e-mail or phone. Usually, others have the
same questions, but never ask.

Catherine Franz, writer, speaker, marketing master,
specializes in infoproduct development. More at:
http://www.MarketingStrategiesToGo.com and
http://www.AbundanceCenter.com. Including articles
and ezines.

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