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Teacher Turns Entrepreneur

By: Diana Barnum

Kristi Sayles, a second grade teacher from Camden, Tennessee, has been writing professionally since 1985 when she sold her first article to GRIT (a family-oriented magazine) for a whopping $35.00. A public school teacher for almost ten years, as well as a counselor for the West Tennessee Writing Project, Sayles combined her love of writing with her love of computing and created writing software templates.

“The software is designed to make writing fun and enjoyable for nearly everyone,” said Kristi Sayles. “There is a program for teachers, parents, students, authors, job-seekers, network marketers, kids, and serious business people.”

Her collection of Instant Software titles, available individually or as a set, includes Article Creator, Business Plans, Query Letters, Synopsis Creator, Story Creator, Press Release Creator, Essay Creator and Resume Creator. Their features include:

· Easy to follow "fill-in-the-blanks" templates.

· Export capability to save documents to the hard drive instantly.

· Easy editing capability.

· Unlimited document creation.

No experience is needed for any of the templates.

“I easily installed the software and followed the detailed yet easy instructions and created my first article,” said Bonnie Joe Davis, author. “This software will work for inexperienced and experienced writers and is particularly good for people who have trouble organizing their thoughts and ideas. Writing and publishing articles is clearly the best and most frugal method of promotion available… ‘

Beginning, intermediate and advanced writers can all create multiple documents to not only help with their businesses, careers and education requirements, they can use them to increase publicity, promotion, prospects and profits.

“Sending Query Letters in the first instance is appreciated by all - from agents to busy editors and their staff - and noted as a sign of professionalism,” said James Masterson, E-Book Division, The StarFields Network. “This program makes it easy to produce a positive Query Letter quickly… It is also easy to personalize…”

For more information and to subscribe to free newsletters with a discount on software purchases, contact Kristi Sayles, Smart Author-Instant Writer Software, at (731) 584-7150. Email: Kristi@smartauthor.com or visit: http://smartauthor.com

Barnum is an Ohioan freelance writer and is president of Moving Ahead Communications at http://movingaheadcommunications.com

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