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By: Arleen M. Kaptur

Writing - everyone does it, but not everyone is
a writer. There are those who write letters, lists,
journals, and are very good at it. Then there are
those that scribble notes of all kinds to themselves,
but never make use of them. They lose the note
that told them where the note was that mentioned
where the original note was and what is was all

Then on the other hand, you have someone who
calls themselves a writer, and may have something
published, but they are into the marketing part of
writing much more than the content. Their mind and
heart are geared to making money in the writing
world and giving publishers, e-zine owners and
other media what they want to hear, not what this
particular writer has to say.

Of course, we all want to make money at what we
do - this is just being practical. How long could you
survive if you didn't make any money and this was
your only means of support?

What I am trying to say is that every true writer has
a million ideas, stories, and articles in his heart and in
his mind that are labeled and stamped as genuine and
original. They are basically who this person is and what
is important or of significant value to this writer.

When we ignore what is inside of us as writers, then
we are belaboring the entire process. Sure, you might
make a living, but are you making yourself a life? Are
you being true to your real self, or are you being
molded by today's market interests or trying to attune
yourself to only what tomorrow's market will bear.
People read what they feel they SHOULD read, but not

Sure, they will try and keep pace with what everyone
else is reading or is interested in, but in the quiet time
of their lives, when they are with only themselves, they
will reach for reading material that is "them." They
will pick up reading matter that is geared to what is
in their soul, and is of importance in their heart and in
their lives. Then, they are looking for "genuine". They
want to read what someone is saying who is as geared
to this particular subject as they are, and even more so.
They are trusting that this writer has taken the time to
do the research, states a fact that is really a fact, and
is strong enough to voice his opinion because that is
who he is and what he or she is all about.

Then name recognition comes into play. People remember
the author who wrote what they considered a genuine,
from the heart and mind, article, book, or whatever. Sure,
they have read countless other works, but they couldn't
give you the name of the author - because it wasn't something
they took to their heart, that enriched their mind, and that
made that lasting impression on their person.

Genuine - when you put your name to any piece that
you have written - make sure that it is who you really
are because in the long run your name will always
represent you no matter how hard you try to disguise
it with the trappings of today. You are who you are
so be proud of it - share it with others - and let it stand
tall or fall - but you will never have to apologize for it!

©Arleen M. Kaptur

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles for newspapers/magazines.
Author: e-cookbooks, on-line workshops
Member: NAWW
Author's Den
Reviewer/columnist: Amazing Authors

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