It is an absolutely perfect day. The sun is shining
and warm breezes gently cross our path. The sweet
sound of chirping birds fills the air and the gentle
lapping water on the lake adds to the total "perfect"
But there are a few clouds that are determined to
continue coming and the closer they get the more
ominous they appear. The warm breezes turn into
chilling wind and the birds have turned silent. The
water now swirls and the sun has been obliterated
by these menacing clouds.
We take shelter and decide to enjoy a hot cup of tea
or perhaps coffee. We build a fire in the fireplace
and pick up that novel we always wanted to read. A
warm coverlet covers our legs and we snuggle into a
soft, leather chair. We will weather out the storm and
wait for it to pass.The windows are pelted with rain
and the sound of thunder shakes our little cottage.
Somehow we have relaxed to the point that we have
fallen asleep.
We awake to total quiet. The fire has died and the sun
is filling the room, streaming through the windows. We
jump up and throw open the door. And there it is -
the most beautiful rainbow that you could imagine.
The colors are vivid and range from pinks, purples,
and blues to green, yellow, and hues we can't even put
a name to. The air is sweet with the smell of fresh rain
and the birds are again filling the air with sound.
Everything is calm and breathtaking in its beauty. We
are enthralled by the rainbow and can't take our eyes
off of it. It arcs over the lake and we dream about that
pot of gold at the end of it. We are glad to be alive
and feel stronger for having weathered the storm. We
feel more confident, somehow, as well as more
appreciative for all the storms in our lives that bring
the rainbows.
You write the book or article and then are so very
pleased with what you have created. You proudly send
it in and wait for the accolades. Instead the rejections
come and hope fades, but don't let it. Weather out your
storms, relax in knowing that someone will appreciate
your efforts, but perhaps you will have to take cover
and wait.
When you can throw open the doors of the bright world
of being a writer, you will see the rainbow and the colors
will embrace you. The pot at the end of that beautiful
rainbow will be your book or article in print and you will
be more confident next time, and face that next storm,
as surely as they will come, but never go down to the
demoralizing pits of self-pity and worse yet, total
The rainbows are out waiting in the wings, and the
stronger the gales that blow with each storm, the more
welcome is that expanse of wonder and delight that
represents the myriad of people you will touch through
your writing and the knowledge you share.
So go in and have that cup of coffee, relax in front of the
fire, and wait out the storm. Anticipation of that
rainbow will make it all worth your while. You will
also notice that with each passing turbulance, the colors
seem deeper and more penetrating.
Wishing you the strength to weather the storm and
welcome the rainbows.
©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 May
Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, e-books, and the novel: SEARCHING FOR AUSTIN JAMES