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Start and make cash from your online writing - You must draw blood first

By: Christopher Kyalo

Writers write just like painters, paint on canvas. This is one of the reasons why it is important that you launch your writing career by getting some freelance writing work that you can get paid for doing.

It does not matter how small the job is or how little the money is that you get paid for it, the important thing is to “draw blood” and get paid for your writing. Everything else you do towards being a $100,000 writer will have to start from there.

You cannot do any serious online writing without coming across the phrase “keyword rich articles”.

What are keyword articles? Keyword articles are articles that repeat a certain key word or key words. Keywords have the valuable power of attracting search engines. This is a complex subject but simply put, keywords are selected carefully in an effort to attract as much search engine traffic as possible to a site.

With the growing popularity of Google Adsense pay per click ads widely posted at web sites and blogs, keywords also have the important function of attracting the right Google ads to a site or blog that will earn the publisher the highest amount of cash when visitors to the site click on them.

You must begin by aggressively looking for freelance writing assignments for keywords. In the second part of this article we will suggest a few buyers of keyword articles that you can start off with. But they will only purchase quality articles that you have simply not copied or lifted from somewhere else. So it is very important that before you seek keyword articles, that you actually write a couple first and post them at leading article directories and article announcement sites. Visit sites to see how keyword articles are written and also visit my blog and read this article that uses the keywords (debt consolidation). Here is the link to the article.


or this one


Observe firstly how the article on a totally different subject from what the blogs are covering is made relevant to the blogs. Then take a close look at how the keywords are repeatedly used.

So now you are ready to write your first keyword article.

I can hear you ask the question.

“What on earth am I going to write about?”

Why not write about your keywords article business. You intend to supply keyword rich articles don’t you?

Read the articles at my other blog (http://big-online-story.blogspot.com) carefully. Are there any of the articles that you can re-write in your own words without telling any lies about your past achievements as a writer so far? Please do not copy whole paragraphs from my blog. I have not given you permission to reproduce my articles. I have simply asked you to do what you can do with any site or blog online. Read and digest the central ideas and then write an article using the ideas as if there were your own. Select any simple keyword that you want to use that will be the central or key point in your article. (We will deal about the subject of selecting keywords for your articles later on in this blog).

Remember that you will really have to be convincing so select topics that you care about enough and believe in from my blog, to be convincing. A writer who is not convincing in their writing will never be successful at any type of writing, so this is a very critical skill you will need to acquire if you are to succeed.

Next you will have to compile your resource box. This is a skill on it’s own and I have an extremely useful article on the subject at my blog http://marketingurhomebiz.blogspot.com It is titled “Your article resource box will kill or lift your internet marketing.”

Read it and carefully use the valuable points gained from years of experience and trial and error to create your best resource box to launch off your career as a writer.

Christopher Kyalo is writer who makes a living writing online. Has recently started a blog where he tells how it's done, no holds barred. Visit it to read the second part of this article. http://100grandonlinewriters.blogspot.com

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