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Something in the Ether By: Philip Gardiner There is something stirring in the world - a kind of intellectual buzz coming from seemingly nowhere. This buzz is causing a great deal of imaginative inspiration and the uncovering of ancient truths once lost to mankind and now being re-found. When I was writing and researching for The Serpent Grail due out in May 2005 I was acutely aware of a void in the Grail arena. Everybody, to my mind, was going down the wrong path. Bloodlines of Christ, aliens and even medieval propaganda did not explain what I had discovered. It seemed there were no others on the same trail. And then another researcher called Gary Osborn got in touch. He wanted to tell me about an incredible discovery he had made. I welcomed his thoughts as I always do. But this time I was in awe. We had both come to the same conclusions from completely different angles. Amazed and somewhat in shock we decided to put our thoughts together to create the definitive Serpent Grail book. Before this time there was a vacuum occupied by Messrs Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln and the spurious Da Vinci Code. They were all wrong and being lead down a path that simply was not true. As I write this monologue it seems that many disparate groups are actually now coming to similar truths that we too have come to in complete isolation. This upsurge of “mental sparks” can only mean one thing to us – that what we have discovered is true. You see it all relates. The Jungian idea of the collective unconscious is only partly true. We say that Jung missed a big element that we will reveal through scientific means. Jung should have pushed a little more. What we have discovered was an ancient truth that implies great upsurges in mental “coincidence” across the globe. It is a kind of liquid synchronicity of thought and has been a massive secret for hundreds of years. Our discovery has lead us to yet more amazing discoveries and to the uncovering of hundreds of elements of ancient wisdom truths. It may be that by us moving back the stone from the tomb of the mind we have unleashed a great torrent of esoteric activity, or it may be more simple. The fact remains that when The Serpent Grail is released it will we hope, help people like us to uncover yet more mysteries of the ancients. For more information or to book the authors for events in 2005/2006 see www.gardinerosborn.com. They also have the new Shining Ones coming out end of 2005 to be followed by The Serpent Axis and Gateway to the Serpent Realm.
Philip Gardiner
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