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Solutions for the Struggling Article Writer

By: Brandie King

By: Brandie King, Copyright 2004

Are you struggling to come up with new ideas for articles?
Whether you are a new or veteran writer, this problem can
effectively halt your ability to use this method of
promotion. So, to help you overcome this, I have compiled a
list of things you can do to find new article ideas.

1. Message Boards Read the posts at message boards to see
what people are interested in. You can then write your
article on topics that people already want to know more


2. Discussion Lists This is similar to using the message
boards. Just read to see what others are posting about and
write articles on those subjects.


3. Surveys You can use a survey to find out what people
want to hear more about. There are several places to find
people to take your survey. Send the survey to your net
contacts, post to discussion groups, post on message boards,
put it in your newsletter, or put it up on your website.
Offer something of value for free, like an ebook or ecourse,
to those who take your survey.

4. Newsletters By subscribing to and reading newsletters,
you can find out what is currently popular. Here are a few
directories where you can find newsletters.

http://www.ezinehub.com/ http://www.cumuli.com/ezines/

5. Keywords Get article ideas by studying the most searched
for keywords, which you can find at these sites.

http://www.wordtracker.com/ http://www.metaspy.com/
http://50.lycos.com http://www.top-keywords.com/
http://www.kanoodle.com/Spy/ http://buzz.yahoo.com

6. Chat Rooms Find article ideas in chat rooms by looking
to see what questions are being asked and by asking what
information the other chatters are interested in.

7. Best Seller Lists Research what the topics of the best
selling books are. Most likely, if there are people buying
books on those topics, there are those that will be
interested in reading articles on them.

http://www.amazon.com/ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
http://www.usatoday.com/life/books op-50.htm

8. Visitor/Subscriber Questions If you have a website or
ezine, you probably have a goldmine of article ideas. Pay
attention to the questions your visitors and subscribers ask
you. There might be an article hidden in those questions

9. News Websites Check some news sites to find out what the
latest happenings are. Then you can research the hot topics
and write articles on them.

http://www.internetnews.com/ http://www.internet.com/
http://www.internetworld.com/ http://www.newslinx.com

10. Article Writing Services If you have tried all of the
above methods and you haven’t been able to come up with
anything, there is always the option of having somebody else
write your article for you. These can get pretty expensive,
though, so research thoroughly before selecting a person or


I hope that this list has given you a good head start on
finding new ideas for your articles. Good luck!

Brandie King, Owner of ArticleSubmission.com Article
Submission, Ezine Submission, Article Editing, Free
Submission to Article Directory, Free Content, Ebooks, Free
Downloads, Trade Links, Free Ezine

Feel free to publish this article in your ezine or on your
website, as long as nothing in the article or resource box
is changed.

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