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So, what’s an e-zine?

By: Maria Marsala

Technically they’re written e-zine (not ezine) although calling
them an electronic newsletter e-news or Internet newsletter
i-news clarifies what they are much better.

They were given the name e-zine (short for electronic
magazine). Some people pronounce the e-zeen and others say
e-zin – however way you write it or say it, an e-zine should be a
special e-mail, sent to you because you requested it.

E-zines are one way to build communities and relationships
with a potentially large number of people, for a minimal
cost. Instead of sending out a business newsletter, via
postal mail, you can send anyone who requests, your e-zine.

An e-zine can consist of one tip or they can include
tips, articles, ad’s, class information, suggestions, and
more. They can be sent out daily, weekly or monthly.
Quarterly e-zines are OK for organizations with paid
memberships, but I don't recommend them otherwise. People
who receive e-zines less than once a month are apt to forget
they subscribed and may think you're S*pamming them. I know
that you don't want to get accused of that!

Formatting your e-zine is up to you, so decide what's best
for you and your clients before you start.

Download a f*ree e-report "8 Categories: Choose Your
E-zine Hosting Service Now", visit

© 2002 Maria's Place helps individuals create professional and
personal success by custom-design solutions and systems
that propel you forward. Interested in designing and
promoting your first business building
e-zine? Visit http://www.createezine.com

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