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By: Craig Lock

Firstly pick a subject that YOU KNOW - a topic
that pertains (nice word that!) to your area of
business. You are the "expert" in it.

My advice is just find your "natural style" by
writing as youspeak - as practicing writing in your
"natural style" breeds confidence. Then submit
your articles to ezines and announcement lists,
like Article Announce, Free Content, Publish In
Yours and Article Publish. I find this marketing
method by far the most effective means of getting
to our various sites (and one thing then leads to
another)... and best of all it costs nothing, but
a little time and effort!

Lately, all our marketing has been done through
writing articles (on internet marketing, writing,
money and self help) and submitting them to
article announcement lists, like Free Content,
Publish in Yours, Article Publish and Shelley
Lowery's Article Announce. Often from there
they get picked up by ezines with large readerships -
from 10000 ...to even ones with millions of
subscribers. True! These big ezine publishers
are continually looking for new and quality content,
particularly ORIGINAL material that can help others.

My advice is...
Write about what you KNOW - your areas of
knowledge and expertise, based on your
experiences. We find this strategy of SHARING
relevant and practical information most effective
of all in drawing traffic to our various web sites...
and best of all, it helps others "out there in the
vast void/realm of cyberspace". That is one of
the reasons why I write my various articles.

Here are some other points in writing articles for the www:


* Identify your target audience.

* Keep your title reasonably short* *.

* Keep your paragraphs short.

* Get to the point quickly (enough waffle with
maple syrup, Craig!).

* Target your article to your audience with
"focussed information".

* Use the occasional exclamation mark (!) to
get your readers attention.

* Make sure your article flows properly. Re-read
and re-read.

* Try to be concise in your wording. Brevity is
the hall-mark of good writing...or so say many
of the teachers of writing!

* Be credible (big word, eh?) at all times. I try
to write my articles in a "conversational style
with dashes of my funny humour".

* Put some thought and effort into your heading -
again to get your reader's immediate attention.

* Use bullets in your articles - its makes the
points easy to follow.

* Conclude with a strong message. The final
paragraph should contain a message that
summarises your article, or gets your reader to
take further action.

* Offer a free report with your article - this is
an easy way to collect a list of adresses for
marketing your product(s). An instant target

* Finally, make sure your layout is good (not
one of my strong points!), as this greatly enhances
your prospects of getting published

Some prominent article writers say one should
write differently to one's natural style , when
writing for the web . I say , DON'T .Just write
what comes naturally...and BE YOURSELF.
Though you may have to be briefer than usual,
if you are a "waffler", like this writer. People want
immediate information online and have limited
time usually - it's the "instant coffee, sorry generation.

The internet is such an amazing medium for
communication. I've just submitted this article
and it's been published almost instaneously (big
word!) in a few places. So YOU TOO can write
articles on your chosen subject in your internet
marketing efforts.

Writers and internet marketers - Grab this
moment in history well.

"Carpe diem" (seize the moment!).

Happy writing and...


Craig Lock
Creative Writing Course
Eagle Book Publishing

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