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By: Doug C. Grant

You're busy.

You've got a bunch of e-mails to send. You hit the keyboard.
Wham...bam...out they go.

Most go to people you don't know or know only casually. WHOA!

Consider this. Every word in those e-mails is creating an image
of who you are...particularly with those who don't know you
personally or know you only slightly.

What are your words saying about you? That you're warm and
personable? Or, that you're curt, formal and indifferent?

Yeah...I hear you. E-mail is supposed to be a brief and fast
medium of communication. You don't have time to be warm and


It's easier than you think. And requires only five extra
seconds. Less time than it takes to blow your nose.

Here's what you do before writing an e-mail:

1. Image the person in your mind. If you don't know them,
imagine what they look like. So who cares if it isn't reality.
Do the person a favor and make them beautiful or handsome.

2. Now, smile at that person. That's right. Smile! If you're
around other people and you don't want to look like a grinning
idiot, at least smile inwardly.

Now, you've just spent five seconds and you're ready to write.
Let me tell you why those five seconds mean so much.

Smile-writing adds a warmth to your words that you don't
consciously apply. Your message will be the same. The length
will be about the same. In fact, you'll probably read it over
and think, "Sounds like what I would have written without all
that smile business." But it won't be. Trust me.

I don't know how or why this happens but it does. When you smile
at the people you write to, that smile comes through your words
just as certainly as if you were there. It is absolutely one of
the great mysteries of life.

Remember, partner, whether you're sending an e-mail, a letter, a
proposal, a memo or a report, your words create a picture of
you. And it may be the ONLY picture of you your target will ever
know. Making it warm and personable could someday make a major
difference in your future.

Give yourself an extra presence. Smile-write.

Doug C. Grant is the author of the new e-book, 'How to Move from
Cubicle to Corner Office with THE SECRETS OF POWERWRITING'. A
FREE preview plus details on receiving a FREE Blue Pencil Edit
for one of your own imcoms is available by e-mailing:

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