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Road Rider's Dreams

By: K.S. Fellow

Mythology info...
Road Rider’s Dreams:

Deep in the frothy maze, of swirling mist and country haze.
Low down in ditches that pinch the desolate swarthy roads, where the night air flows
with the humming tongues of hidden crickets and low spying toads.
No, sir...no one knows, of the things that creep on feet of the road rider’s dreams.
In apparition like sweeps, among the dark spindle trees, long dark coats and hats and
a slit mouth where it breaths. Breaths in country air, and night yarns of those tired and frail.
The long lean being that glimpses about along side the shrouded country roads. Pale hidden faces, grown to know the face of those short rested, the traveler that feeds the creatures by the reeds.
No, sir...no one knows of the things that creep unnamed, on feet of the road rider’s dreams.

-summer downs

Lover of classical music, and reading is a great passion of mine, My fav author would still have to be my child hood fav JRR tolkin.
Mythology info

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