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Promoting Your Ezine and Recruiting Subscribers

By: Rose DesRochers

So you're ready to start promoting the publication of your ezine in an effort to recruit subscribers. First of all you will need a webpage a list of free webhosts are here thefreesite.com, if you don't know anything about webdesign you can get advice from a Web designer like .

Always have a subscription box or link in a prominent place on every page of your website. Once your ezine is up you have many ways to promote it. One is through Ezine Directories. I have listed a few here. You can also do a search in Google for Ezine Directories.

Here are a few I found.

There are dozens of other effective ways of recruiting subscribers to your ezine, another way is submitting to ezine groups such as yahoo groups. You can announce new non-commercial Webzines on comp.infosystems.www.announce, or any e-zine at Weekly Bookmarkz. Contact e-zine editors or join banner exchanges such as Exchange Ad.

Webrings are another effective way to promote your ezine. Visit the WebRing directory to search for a group that covers a specific topic of your Webzine.You might also wish to look at syndication services such as Zinos.

Write up a free ecourse on your business subject matter and submit it to http://www.getresponse.com/.
Another way it to join some online forums where your ideal readers hang out. Include your ezine in your forum sigtag and always have your subscribe addy or url in your email sigtag.
Write & Submit Articles - You do not have to be a writer to write articles. Just talk about what you know. Then you can submit them to goarticles.com.

Link Exchanging is a great way to recruit subscribers, add a resource links page to your website and swap links with other quality sites.

Write a free e-book and give it away at your site, contact other webmasters who give away ebooks to see if they will list yours. You can also submit a free Ezone press release to http://www.prweb.com/.
There are endless ways to promote your e-zine these were just a few.

DesRochers is a published author, web columnist and founder of Today's Woman
; a supportive online
community for men and women over 18. Their goal is to help writers succeed in
the writing industry.

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