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Promote Your Books by Blogging

By: Deborah Woehr

A blog is the best tool in your Internet marketing arsenal. Why? Search engines spider (check for updates) blogs more often than the average website. The reason for this is that blogs provide a continuous stream of new content from the author plus reader comments.

Three Big Reasons Why You Should Blog

Reason #1: A blog gives your book more exposure on the web, thanks to pinging services (pingomatic.com) that alert the search engine spiders and newsfeeds every time you post a new entry. You also have the option of submitting your site to the top blog and RSS feed directories for an even wider exposure for your book. Another resource is Blog Explosion, which is a traffic exchange service. For every blog you read, someone else will read yours.

With a website, you are limited to submitting your site yourself or paying submission service to do it for you. Then you can only submit once a month without any guarantee that your site will get listed. Submitting more than once will run you the risk of getting blacklisted as a spammer.

Reason #2: A blog not only establishes your expertise in your genre/topic, but allows you to build one-on-one relationships with your readers. Your blog is an excellent tool to build your fan base. Take the time to answer your reader's comments. Once you develop a relationship with them, the more likely they will buy your book. If they like your book, well . . . need I say more? I was surprised to find that very few bloggers take the time to network with their readers.

Also, search the major blog directories for blogs that interest you and participate in their discussions. Enter the URL of your blog or website in your signature. Then offer intelligent feedback on the topic being discussed. Don't pop in with a "hi, bye" comment. That's considered comment spam, which is frowned upon in the blogging community.

You can also use your blog to build a subscriber base for your email (or snail mail) newsletter. Or, you your blog up to be an online newsletter, posting articles as well as blog entries. With email spam so rampant, this is the best way to go. The search engine spiders will love you. Your readers will love you. Everybody will be happy.

Reason #3: The more your blog grows in popularity, the more inbound links you'll get from other bloggers/readers. If you link your website to your blog, this will help boost the search engine ranking for your website, which will give more readers to the opportunity to buy your book.

How long will it take to build your blog's popularity? I've read that it takes about a year to build a solid readership. That's the average. Your blog may take off . . . or fail altogether.

Don't start a blog with the sole purpose of sell, sell, sell. That's the guaranteed failure formula. Another guarantee for failure is spending too much time blogging and not enough time writing your book. I spend an average of five hours per week on my blogs, dividing my time between writing/posting content and promoting it.

The key to a blog's success is content, useful and valuable content that your readers will benefit from. Allow them to get to know you, and take the time to get to know them. Find out what they want and give it to them. That's the success formula.

Deborah Woehr is the founder and editor of The Writers Buzz, a community blog with the sole aim of helping writers promote their books online and off. You can visit her website at http://thewritersbuzz.com

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