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Personal Profile Of The Week: Judy Cullins

By: Larry Dotson

Judy Cullins is a 22-year veteran publisher, book
coach, and author of _Write your eBook or Other
Short Book--Fast!_ and _Ten Non-techie Ways to
Market Your Book Online_, and 30+ others. She
gives 80 seminars and teleclasses on book writing,
publishing, and selling, was columnist of "Passionate
Living" for 2 years, and now publishes "The Book
Coach Says..." a free monthly eZine. Email her at
Judy@bookcoaching.com and visit her Web site at

Nickname: Jude

Age: 64

Present Residence: La Mesa, Ca (Near San Diego)

Name Of High School/College: UC Santa Barbara

First Full/Part-time Job: Cooking for a family of 7

Marital Status: Single

Number Of Children: 1 adult child, Randy

Number Of Pet(s): No pets - I travel too much.

Computer: Pentium 333

Years In Business: 22

No.1 Marketing Strategy: Make friends with people
you do business with, and keep asking for what you
want. It works!

Indoor Hobbies/Interests/Activities: Read, watch a
fire, gourmet cooking

Outdoor Hobbies/Interests/Activities: I love to travel
to third world countries, hike, swim, and walk

Favorite TV Show(s): I still like Ally McBeal and
dramas like Judging Amy

Favorite Book(s): Autobiograph of a Yogi by
Paramahansa Yogananda,

The Tao of Physics by Fritof Capra, Up from Eden
by Ken Wilbur

Favorite Food(s): Fresh fish on the BBQ at home
or in Islas de Las Mujeres and the Big Island

Favorite Color(s): red and green

Favorite Place(s) To Visit: South America, Central
America, Hawaii, and anywhere I can snorkel and

Larry Dotson is the co-author of "The Hypnotic
Writer's Swipe File" a collection of hypnotic words
and phrases that sell. You can visit his web site at:

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