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Parts is Parts

By: Peggy Hazelwood

When you write a book, or even a report or paper,
sometimes a detailed plan can make all the difference
between doing a thorough, well thought out job and
making a mish mash of all the parts and pieces.

Presenting a simple, easy-to-follow book will allow
your readers to concentrate on what you're saying
instead of struggling with following the parts of the

Open any nonfiction, how to book and follow along with
these parts. Most of them are found in most books:


Front Matter - includes some or all of these parts: Title
page, Copyright page, Dedication page, Preface,
Introduction, Table of Contents. Title Page - includes the
same information as the cover but in a word processed
version, usually without graphics.

The page number for the Title Page is Roman numeral
one (i), but the page number does not appear on this
page. The back of the Title Page is page number Roman
numeral two (ii), but again it's not numbered. It is blank.

Copyright, Dedication pages, etc. - continue numbering
using Roman numerals, front and back. Again, these
pages are unnumbered.

Preface or Introduction - if applicable, add the Preface
or Introduction here and use the next Roman numeral
available and begin numbering the pages. That is, the
page numbers first appear here if you have a Preface
or Introduction that is part of the Front Matter.

Table of Contents (TOC) - use the next Roman numeral
and continue numbering these pages. The TOC might
include a List of Acronyms and Abbreviations, Chapter 1,
Chapter 2, etc., Appendix A, Appendix B, etc., List of
Illustrations, depending on your document.

Do not list the Preface or Introduction on the TOC.
(Anything that comes before the TOC does not get listed
on the TOC.)

Chapters - appear next and always begin on a right-hand
page. Begin page numbering using Arabic numbers (1, 2,
3, 4, etc.) paginating front and back pages.

New chapters begin on a right-hand page using an
odd number. For example, Chapter 1 would be paginated
1 through 10. Chapter 2 would be paginated 11 through
28, and so on. If Chapter 2 ends on page 27, leave
page 28 blank. It is the back of page 27. Chapter 3 then
can begin on a right-hand page with an odd number.

Bibliography or References - continue page numbering
like a new chapter.

Appendixes - continue page numbering each appendix
like a new chapter.

Back Cover

This list of parts of a document is a guideline. You may not
use them all. You may have more parts than I've listed here.
But when you begin the layout of your pages, following this
guideline will ensure your readers can follow your thoughts,
the real reason for writing your book!

Peggy Hazelwood is a writer and editor who runs the
Albooktross Electronic Bookstore at
http://www.albooktross.com/. She also publishes the
twice monthly Albooktross Web-foot News full of book
news. Subscribe by sending an email to

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