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Online Poetry Community Begins Topic Slam Competitions

By: Tempered Solomon

Urbanlivez.com, underground hip hop poetry forum is looking for poets, rappers and lyricists.

Atlanta, GA, July 20, 2004 — The Urbanlivez.com online urban poetry community has jumped on to the band wagon of the popular hip-hop, rap battle forum trend. But with a twist. The community is beginning a moderated Poetry Slam Battle Forum.

This hip-hop battle forum is unique from typical rap web communities because of the use of threaded Slam topics. The Topical Slam threads allow the authors and competitors think critically, and express their feelings on relevant and pressing issues of current interest.

At any given time, there will be three open Slam Topics. The topics will range from issues of politics, love, nature, evolution, and many more. In the current, often hostile, environment of Hip-Hop rap forums "This forum was created to provide a nuetral ground for both traditional/urban poets, hip hop lyricists and rappers to just post good poetry and be rewarded for it.", says urbanlivez.com web site owner March Moieh Eric Konan.

The first of it's kind, this forum will be a unique outlet for Generation X Hip-Hop artists and lyricists, and the younger products of modern rap mass media Generation Ys alike. Like the current stand-up Poetry Slam rules, the forum Topical Slam threads will have rules as well. As an overview, all entries must be less that 50 lines, and each line must be 15 words or less.

Once the open topic slam deadlines are reached, the threads are closed. The closed topic entries are then voted on by members of the urbanlivez.com forum community.

"This is a great opportunity to begin a serious, thoughtful dialog of current events affecting the urban community.", says Butterfly Jones - forum moderator. "We want to hear from parents, teachers, and relatives of people who love Hip Hop. There is no age limit on submissions, and you don’t have to be an artist. If you want to show the world what Hip Hop culture has given you, please join the www.urbanlivez.com forum. If you have an empowering, or inspirational poem that deals with your thoughts urban life- we want you!. Our dream is that the creative accounts of poets and rappers alike will be empower members of the urban Hip Hop community with necessary information needed to overcome adversity ." I think they are on to something.

People who wish to join the urbanlivez.com community should visit Urbanlivez underground hip hop poetry forum online. You will be asked for a current e-mail address, and to accept the registration agreement.

Urbanlivez.com Columnist
E mail: columns@urbanlivez.com

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