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By: Malcolm James Pugh


I started with true confidence,
That I could achieve my goals,
That I could quietly persuade,
And all would gradually unfold,
Each in its own compartment,
Each growing slow but sure,
Nothing would be impossible,
Everything would have its cure,
But one by one came obstacles,
Increasingly difficult to surmount,
And although I managed to prevail,
I accumulated debits on my account,
Each one took a little more effort,
Each needed a bit more to say,
And my imagination started filling,
The little gaps along the way,
But the longer I got used to it,
The more it seemed quite normal,
The easier it came naturally,
Being circumspect instead of formal,
And the more I went undetected,
The more invulnerable I felt,
It seemed no matter how hard it was,
Once I had spoken it would melt,
And the joint between fact and fiction,
Became indistinct and blurred,
Until I couldn’t tell the truth,
Amongst all the other words,
But yet still I seemed infallible,
At everything I chose to tackle,
Where fire had turned to embers,
I soon seemed to make it crackle,
So I thought myself invincible,
Inviolate, towering and wise,
Never sensing for an instant,
Storm clouds gathering in my skies,
For the many words I had uttered,
In order to give everything a boost,
Were like homing pigeon post,
And were coming home to roost,
And in truth I cant remember,
What I said on any given day,
I just said what seemed appropriate,
Got completely carried away,
And though it all seemed justified,
And almost noble at the time,
Now its all come round full circle,
And now its deemed a crime,
And the peculiar thing is now,
When I need to be my most persuasive,
My words ring empty cold and hollow,
And my triumphant tone evasive,
Though I thought that history,
Would scribe my name in runes of fire,
I will end up with the epitaph,
Of having been a fool if not a liar.

ex systems programmer.

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