Being a creative writer has never been easy. From learning
the craft, to practicing it, to selling your work.
But that enthusiasm we felt sparked into passion as we got
more involved in it and it continues to ignite us through the long
and hard road of getting published.
We are ready to make money from our writing. And it stands
to reason that we should. We have already perfected our profession.
Shouldn’t the money follow?
It doesn’t because being a good writer does not guarantee a
publisher will notice you. So as the rejection letters begin piling
up you begin to question whether being a writer was actually a
good idea or should you have hit yourself over the head.
Being a writer is the most wonderful thing. And there isn’t just
one road to success.
If you are submitting your work to publishers and getting nowhere
all you have to do is one thing. Change your mind.
Stop and think for a moment. You write. The product is yours.
So why do you need someone to sell it for you? Why do you
need to perfect those dreaded query letters just to get noticed?
And why do you have to suffer for your art?
Because the only way you can sell it is through publishers?
Wrong. Very wrong.
Put in the same amount of hard work you are putting in submitting
to publishers and actually get somewhere in your life.
The truth is writes have had a gut full of the whole publishing process…
o We can’t write what we want but have to cater to markets
o We have to make further changes when requested by publishers
o The amounts we get paid never justify the work put in
It is any wonder then that writes are becoming independent? They realize
their product is theirs so they don’t need anyone to sell it for them.
And most of all? They don’t need to suffer anymore.
So they put in all their effort to create their own business and sell
that product on the internet.
And know what? They make it.
The internet is an uncut diamond that we can shape into a fine jewel.
The audience is wide and it just asks something from you.
Be unique. Me-too’s don’t’ get anywhere on the net. This is where
readers turn for something different. Are you different?
Are you daring? Do you not beat to anyone’s drum but your own?
A business on the net is ideal for you.
I’m not talking about submitting your work to e-publishers.
I’ll taking about building a website and selling your work
straight from there.
Become your own boss because you can. Be the free spirit you always
wanted to be. Writers are known for their uniqueness. Don’t mould
your style to suite anyone. Unleash your creativity now because the
opportunity is out there waiting for you.
Take it and make a difference.
Writers have made their own success stories.
Do you want to make yours?
Georgina Stath is a creative writer who took matters into her own
hands. She runs her own business. She writes what she wants. She keeps
all the profits. You can do it too. Just change your mind.
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