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Make More Money in Five Minutes Than Most People Make All Day

By: Avril Harper

Make More Money in Five Minutes Than Most People Make All Day!

FIVE MINUTES ... Is All You Need ........to phone a friend ..... peel potatoes for dinner ..... pick the kids up from school ..... or write a few words that could earn you anything from a plastic pinny or ballpoint pen, to a dream house in the sun, a top-of-the-range sports car, or huge sums of money in cash and luxury goods!

Even if just a few minutes a day is all you can spare, you can still be a well-respected, regularly published writer.

No special skills are required, you definitely don't need a computer or word processor, a telephone or desk. And you certainly do not need lots of spare time ..... because you are about to enter the fascinating world of .....


Short written pieces are in great demand all over the world, by editors and publishers, alongside other high-paying clients, both to fill space where a feature falls short of the published page, hence ‘filler', and to lighten otherwise staid publications, such as medical journals and import/export bulletins.

Five minute writing covers far more enjoyable and profitable projects than most people appreciate ..... taking just minutes to produce ..... and covering everything from readers' letters and fillers, to mini-articles, puzzles and quizzes, recipes and household hints, photographs and cartoons, to greetings card verses, competition slogans, and much, much more besides.

That's why five minute writing is considered the very best way to begin and develop a successful writing career, and why many established and very well-paid writers stay with this profitable medium, plus:

- It's very satisfying to see your work and name in print and the earlier that happens the sooner you become a professional writer, and the smoother the road becomes to longer, more profitable writing assignments.

- Smaller pieces gets you known to editors who, having seen and enjoyed your work, are more likely to commission you for longer pieces later.

- Word for word, rewards are far higher than for almost any other type of written projects, with the possible exception of creating winning slogans and tie-breakers for big-prize competitions. (Don't worry, How to Be a Five Minute Writer includes a free guide to writing competitions tie-breakers and slogans).

- No rejection slips, ever! What better start to a full-time writing career?

- Finished pieces can be completed in minutes and spread over whatever time the writer can spare between other professional and domestic activities. Great for mother or carer, or otherwise housebound or restricted individual with a desire to write, but little time to spare.

- No bulky equipment and research materials required, meaning you can write, any time, any place, anywhere. A notepad and pen is all you really need to get started on this amazing journey to becoming a well-paid writer.

- Fillers can be fitted between longer writing or non-writing assignments, offering a change of ‘scenery' and more frequent financial rewards.

- Every single piece you write can be recycled in columns, articles, even full-length best-selling books, and can continue earning high rewards over months, years, perhaps forever.

It's not a case of ‘cheap and cheerful' for those who publish your work - they need you - to increase interest in their publications, reduce reading times, multiply circulation rates, and cut their overheads.

For that they'll reward you well, and continue doing so, perhaps for the lifetime of your mutual existence!

Avril Harper (www.fillerfactory.com) is the author of ‘How to Be a Five Minute Writer' and spends a great deal of her own full-time writing day creating short pieces for regular, high ticket rewards.

More free articles and reports can be downloaded at www.publishingcircles.com

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