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Killer Press Kits - Press Kits That Demand Attention By: Annette Gisby So,m you've had your book published or you've gone the self-published route, but what do you do now? You contact a newspaper, radio or television station requesting an interview and they ask you to send them a press kit. First of all, don't panic. A press kit is not some magical entity that only those published by the big houses can have. You can create an affordable and great looking press kit on your own. Here are some things that you can include in your press kit to send to interested reviewers and interviewers.
If you can afford it, a nice presentation folder for your press kit goes down well, but it isn't a necessity. On your website, you can also list the things above as a virtual press kit, but if a newspaper etc. ask for a press kit, don't just send them to the website. They would probably prefer everything in hard copy, but it doesn't hurt to ask if they would accept an electronic copy.
Annette Gisby is a novelist and freelance writer. Her articles have appeared both in print and online, and to date she has three fiction books published, Silent Screams, Drowning Rapunzel and Shadows of the Rose. Her non-fiction book, Writing the Dream has lots more hints and tips for writers. Please visit Annette's website for more information on her books: www.annettegisby.n3.net |
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