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Keeping your readers interested when writing non-fiction

By: Gary R. Hess

Writing non-fiction might be the easiest of all writings, but it’s not always the easiest to keep your readers interested.

When writing non-fiction the best thing to do is research, even when the story is about you, research. Readers are generally well educated, and chances are, they will know when something is not quite right. As well, if you are writing a paper for a class or to educate about a certain subject, research is a must.

On the other hand, be sure to not overdue it. Readers do not need to know why the sky is blue and why horses aren’t used for glue anymore. Give them basic facts which relate to what you are trying to say.

Another necessity when writing non-fiction, or even fiction for that matter, is using plenty of details. Details, details, details!!! Readers love details.

Want to write about Susie’s new hairstyle? Tell us what the color is, what the length is and how it lays. It allows the reader to visualize the characters and setting better. Since this is not a movie, this is what needs to be said.

As readers are the top priority when writing, the reader must know exactly what is going on. Do not leave the small things out. Do not let the reader wonder what happened between point A and point B, unless of course it’s a murder mystery then things change but for the most part this holds true.

If you have done things story, essay, research project or whatever else you happen to be writing, will almost be ready. Just be sure to follow some guidelines along the way. Write it in some order, such as chronologically or “flash-back” style. Just don’t lose track of your readers.

If all of these can be accomplished smoothly and researched properly your story is now complete. Jump up and down and pat yourself on the back because you have done it.

Gary Hess is a writer for Articles, Love Poems and More


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