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Joshian Quotations

By: Dr Kedar Joshi

The Indian way is to think of Man to be a divine being, and as Man is obviously not a divine being, to take it as an utter contrast and rather treat him as a useless insect.

The principle of conservation of energy suggests that x’s freedom is y’s slavery.

Man is more social within than without.

Attitude is not everything. But without it everything is nothing.

Nothing is absolutely ignorant or absolutely wise.

Life is a waste of time.

Fear is the worst form of violence.

Anger is the most childish expression.

The existence of the universe is without any reason.

The root of everything is plurality.

Every creation is necessarily flawed.

Life could be practically worth but is philosophically pointless.

It’s my conjecture that the world is made up of three elements stated in the descending order of certainty and ascending order of necessity : Consciousness, Truth, and Irrationality.

Strong plays; Weak fights.

Fighting is a virtue of weak and a vice of strong.

It is not just human but rather a divine rule that being political is the best policy.

The greatest art is that the world is fundamentally an art with no artist.

The essence of the greatest form of life is not love, grief, solitude, or adventure. Its essence is that it’s an unending puzzle.

The concept of God is a byproduct of Man’s deepest fear and ignorance with the universe.

A true Englishman can do anything but philosophy.

French are arguably the most abstract species on earth.

The universe is fundamentally of three kinds : interpretable, interpreter, uninterpretable. The first kind is static, the second one is dynamic, and the third one is profoundest as well as absurd.

A worse news for a philosopher could be that the universe is fundamentally absurd. And the worst news is that the worse news is probably true.

In Europe it seems to be an etiquette to be white.

It’s an intriguing mistake to think that the oldest civilisation has the greatest wisdom.

Tolerance is basically a tricky way of minimising once own sufferings.

The world exists to let Man philosophise.

The virtue of an American is the minimisation of the exploitation of his brain and his vice is the maximisation of those of others.

The story of the world is necessarily and exclusively a story of exploitation and its future would be no different.

Doubt is an eternal nightmare of wisdom.

Nature, by its very nature, is brutal and partial. However, Man has somehow managed to transform the nature of its brutality and partiality.

Man is a philosophical animal.

At the heart of history there is a revolution.

The only way to be rich is to assume yourself to be poor.

The tragedy of the world lies in the fact that white is smart but bad and black is good but mad.

Whenever I see suffering in the world I tend to be a solipsist.

Truth is an appearance.

Even the greatest, deepest, and purest form of love is essentially an expression of exploitation.

Everything in the world is capable of arousing all sorts of emotions.

The most rational thing about the universe is that it is fundamentally irrational.

At its heart the universe has no reason.

The universe is a gigantic non-spatial computer.

The inducer of the greatest romantic feeling is the deepest philosophical question.

Even God is deceived by the unthinkable.

There are three paths to heavens: music, love, and philosophy. Music is the shortest but the least pleasant one. Love is the moderate one. And philosophy is the longest but the most pleasant one.

All the world is a game of mind, the mind which ultimately goes wrong.

God is the pseudo-governor of morality.

The answer to the greatest question is that it is unanswerable.

Man is a racist animal.

Creator of Superultramodern Science & Philosophy.

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