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Interviews with Well-Known Ezine Writers #2: - John Colanzi

By: Michael Southon

MS: John, you must be one of the most prolific Ezine
Writers on the Web - I see your articles nearly everyday in
the article lists and in dozens of Newsletters. How long
have you been writing Ezine Articles?

JC: I first started writing ezine articles around 1999.

MS: What are the main topics that you write about in your
Ezine Articles?

JC: I mainly write two types of articles, (i) Marketing and
promotion, (ii) Success and motivation.

MS: John, how important have Ezine articles been in
promoting your website?

JC: I sometimes use paid advertising, but my main method of
promotion is writing and submitting articles.

MS: John, what sort of Articles have you had most success
with? In your experience, what kind of Articles are most in

JC: I get the most feedback on articles about success and

MS: Some Ezine Writers promote a product or service in
their Resource Box, while others aim only to get a
subscription to their free Newsletter. What would your
advice be for getting maximum results from your Resource

JC: I usually promote my newsletter and free ebook in the
resource box. Sometimes I promote a product, but mainly the

MS: What have you found to be the most effective ways of
getting your Articles published?

JC: Persistence. I've set up a weekly mailing to
publishers. Most publishers get a lot of submissions, so
getting them to notice you article will take some time.
Once they start using your articles, they are more likely
to start reading your submissions.

MS: Apart from getting your Articles published in
Newsletters, are there any other ways you use your Articles
to promote your website? (such as turning them into a free

JC: I created my free ebook Street Smart Secrets Of Success
from a collection of my success and motivation articles:
http://www.internet-profits4u.com/streetsmart.exe. I was
also contacted by a publisher who read the free ebook to
create a free e-course for his ebook Autoresponder Gold. So
from the articles I've created my ebook and the 7 Days To A
Turbo Charged Mind email course:

MS: Some people are discouraged from writing Ezine articles
because it seems that everything has already been written
about. What's your view on that?

JC: Every writer brings their own style to a subject. You
may read about it 100 times, but a certain writer's way of
presenting the information, may be the article that gets
you to take action.

MS: Yes, that's an important point. What's the single most
important style tip for writing a good Ezine Article?

JC: Write to one person. Make the ideas personal to the

MS: How important have Ezine Articles been in achieving
your success in online business?

JC: Every good thing that's happened to me online has been
a result of someone seeing an article.

MS: And finally John, what would be your advice to someone
who wants to write Ezine Articles but has never written for
the Internet before?

JC: Write the same way you would explain something to your
best friend. Write to inform, don't write a sales letter
and try to pass it off as an article.

MS: Thank you John.

Michael Southon is the author of the popular new eBook
'Ezine Writer!' Discover how to dramatically increase your
Traffic and Sales, starting today:
http://www.ezine-writer.com/ Join his twice-monthly
'e-Profit Tips Newsletter': ept-subscribe@freezineweb.com

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