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How to Write a Job-Winning Cover Letter

By: Brett Krkosska

Let me say that I've done more hiring and firing in my
days than I care to admit. And although Human Resource
Managers and recruiters all have their own way of doing
things, here was my approach to looking at new applicants...

A Good Resume Invites Recruiters to Read Your Cover Letter

I always looked at the person's resume first. I quickly
breezed over qualifications and employment history. If they
looked promising in these areas, then I would look at the
cover letter.

The cover letter gave me further insight into the person,
e.g. how organized they are by examining the presentation
of the letter, whether or not they had taken the time to
find out anything about my company, whether or not they
have had or do have any ties to the company, whether or
not they have specified the job they want, will they travel,
and so on.

What all this means is you need both a resume and a cover
letter. The meat is in the resume. I wanted the facts and I
wanted 'em fast. If a person looked promising from the
resume, then I read the cover letter, and then I call 'em
in for an interview. That's where the rubber meets the road.

The Goal of a Cover Letter

So, this brings up your goal in creating a cover letter ...

... to introduce yourself to the company and to
sell yourself.

If you do this well enough, you are at the top of the
list for an interview, assuming you are qualified for
the position.

Creating a Strong Cover Letter

1. Make it short. Definitely no more than one page. Half a
page is better. Two paragraphs is even better. If you can
whittle it down to that and make your case succinctly, then
you are proving yourself to be a great communicator. That's
a huge bonus in my book.

2. Be professional and concise. Never try to be humorous.
Keep your tone on a "business only" level.

3. Always put yourself in the best light and never give hints
that you may be underqualified, even if you think you are.

4. Never mention work experience in the cover letter that
isn't included on your resume. This no-no equals an
automatic strike out.

5. Make sure it contains no typos or poor grammar. Have
someone proof your letter before using it.

6. Know what you are applying for. Be specific. Know the
job title. Never say you'll take anything available. You are a
professional. State the job title you are wanting to be
considered for in the first paragraph of your cover letter.

7. I always asked candidates why they wanted to work for
me. This is where they had the opportunity to impress me
by saying something like: "Because your company is the
largest retailer of wireless communication devices, I feel
strongly that I should position my future with a leader in
the industry." Do you see what I mean? I want to know that
they have done a little research. I want to know that they
understand my business and at the same time they see a
opportunity for self-fulfillment within my company. This is
information you include in the first paragraph of the cover

8. Next, I want to know how a candidate will contribute to
my company. This is paragraph number two. I want to know
specifically how your set of skills and past experiences
will directly impact the company. This is the "What can
you do for the company?" section.

9. Never conclude a letter with a flippant "I hope you call
me" type of ending. Always specify a date that you will
follow-up with the company and how you will follow-up.

Applying these tips will help you to be a step ahead of
the pack. Recruiters routinely discard many applicants
based solely on a poor written cover letter and resume.
Since your goal is to get in the door for an interview,
taking the time to create a winning cover letter is a
tactic you can't afford to skip!

Brett Krkosska provides 'how-to' advice on family and
home-based work issues. Get start-up guidance, business
ideas and inspiration at: http://homebiztools.com
Free ezine subscription: mailto:enews@homebiztools.com

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